Ballad of The Vampires


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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**I accually wrote this poem a long time ago and I don't think I posted this one here**

From Forever he came
Eyes grasping at fear
Wide and desperate
Searching for me, my weakness
Most handsome was he; my weakness

From the shadows of his own soul he came
To plunder my veins
And harbor my life's gold for his own
Sorrow and loneliness soon became afterthoughts
As lust screamed in

Our fates intertwined
Our blood faded and mixed into each other
Giving birth to my immortality
Damned to the shadows like he
Cast away from the sensitive eyes of society
Eclipsed from the sun for eternity

No time, past, present, nor future
Just infinity
An abyss with no end....forever falling....
And from this edge of deeper night
We see Man's decline
Convinced they shall reach the bottom before we
In their invisible iron cage

From Forever we watch
Man's repeated mistake
From the shores of Dusk
We hide and watch
Our curse go through
Course after course
History after history
Shaking our heads in dismay all the while
While blood slithers down from our mouths
Like garnet snakes of Death
What you need to do Liz is go to a publishing company and get them to collect your poems in one volume and release it. You got one copy pre-sold right here.:wave:

Now I really need to kick my poem finding mission into gear.:dopey:
awe! thanks darl! I'm glad you all like it. I was a bit afraid that it was too clique (sp?). Interestingly enough, no one on the Cradle of Filth message board responded to it at all.:confused:
:lol: yes I post on the CoF board as DragonPoet. There are quite a bit of vampric poems there....I'm more known for my battle/viking themes however.
I love COF, but I don't get the vampire connection. If you have time I'd love to see some of that Viking stuff.:D

I tried to sign up on the COF board but I need some kind of certain account or other, I can't remember.:dopey: