Ballet in new york

Jan 13, 2004
So according to, us lucky new york audience members get to watch the ballet performed to Deliverence. Should be quite interesting... People's thoughts?
ChrisEmerson said:
They have done this before. I cant remember the link but I saw a video of it and it wasnt very good. The dance they had just didnt work with the music at all. But that isnt very surprising.

Do you know where I might find the link?

Comming from an ex-ballet dancer of 5 years I would be thrilled to see this! I have always loved the mixture of arts like this! I've also choreographed some peices to the Damnation soundtrack, and am currently looking to bring the sound of Opeth into the world of circus arts, this is so thrilling! My appreciation for Opeth just jumped 12 points.

... but I think dancing to Deliverance would be... interesting - to say the least.
I pray they dont do it here cause the crowd will boo them off
this is a rock show after all not some artsy fartsy:loco: crap
but it will give us more time to drink..........
I just want to see the show get back up and go see kreator next day nothing like midweek metal:yell:
Wow, really cultured response... That's exactly what's wrong with people these days, no desire to see something new. Even if it sucks its a worthy experience. How many ballets set to metal have you witnessed?
when i want culture Ill go with my wife to the ballet or getty center or with you to see brokeback mtn for the 100th time. ha ha
I want 100% Opeth as advertised