Balls ass metal mix please help!

Nov 6, 2006
Taylor, MI
this is a side project ive been working on please rate the mix within the best of your knowledge. tell me what i need to do to make it noticable to labels as a demo. any of you guys big producers? and if you are, do you like the song so far and if not what should i do to make it better. im only 16 and just starting with the whole recording thing so any input would help me so much. recorded with sonar 6 and encoded with winlame
the bass is a scratch track too
P.s havent finished tracking most of the song just want to put it up for you to check out
its balls ass metal test
You are a very talented 16yo ! :cool:
Other metalheads may have different preferences but i like guitars to be slightly louder in a mix and snare much quieter especially if it is machinegunning like in your song.

Musically the song rocks ! :rock:

Do you like COB and/or IF ?
btw i'm not a big time or even a small time producer i'm only an almost 29 years old metalhead who started listening to metal (Metallica & Cannibal Corpse) 15 years ago.
Yeah, really cool song, and playing. Love those riffs man! As far as the mix goes, if you are new to it, keep practicing and it will get better. I'd say the guitars need to be more upfront (in terms of their tone) and the drums could sound a lot more natural. Great stuff though.
The song itself is really good. The playing is pretty impressive for a 16 yr. old. As far as the mix goes the guitars aren't bad neither is the bass, but that machine has got

to go. What are you using to program, I know nothing about it but I know a lot of guys on here use DFHS and they probably have the most real, fake drums I've heard.

Maybe someone else can chime in on that. Anyway keep practicing and learning and you'll get it.

well i live in michigan and ive heard the brother von doom and from the shallows stuff and i liked it so i could record with you once i put this all together