Baltimore loves NevermoUre...

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
I keep hearing these commercials on 98Rock(Baltimore station)about upcoming shows at clubs and damn near every time,they are talking about Nevermoure doing a show somewhere.Like this week they are playing at this one club Pedonya's(sp?).And they DJ was saying various good things about the band and actually played a snipet of one of their songs.Really lame,too.Generic pop-punk bullshit.I just want to go down to that station w/my PoE cd and say "Hey,I've got some older Nevermoure stuff...I think you'd really be interested..."*puts PoE in stereo,turns volume up very loud,presses play*and the beginning of "Seven Tounges of God" shakes the entire building.I just want to smash my radio with a sledge hammer whenever I hear them talk about Nevermoure and they make me think that my favorite band is playing a show in some shitty Baltimore club when it's nothing but those little bitches.Hearing Nevermore's name mentioned on a MD radio station(regardless of the "U")just does not seem right.If they want to premote some pop punk band,then why not Good Charlotte,they're one hell of a lot better than the imposter Nevermore and at least GC's from Maryland...and I'm not even a fan of Good Charlotte,either.Oh well...I guess we'll just have to wait for Morphiette to kick their asses in:rolleyes: :lol:
glad I dont listen to FM radio anymore... i would freak every time I heard them say nevermoure .. :p

used to always have the radio on 98rock... until they turned to shit.. not as bad as the other local stations, but still find myself never keeping it on the station for more than a song or 2 at a time. and I cant deal with the morning show anymore. still KML? those guys used to be great.. last i heard them they were quite boring ..

when I need radio, I listen to AM stations.. for news... and other talk radio (art bell ....... )
98 Rock is perpetually stuck in the 80s I'm convinced. Maryland radio stations suck. Also, there are no good concert venues in Baltimore. We need to drive to D.C. to see any fuckin' good shows.

either that dude on the left thinks he's scottish, or the plaid axe has got to go.
and the dude on the right..."dude! what happened to your beard!"
Originally posted by lizard

either that dude on the left thinks he's scottish, or the plaid axe has got to go.
and the dude on the right..."dude! what happened to your beard!"

ha ha, Nice picture.. Is that the drummer for Pantera on the right??
goddamn you guys. Its not that big of a deal. stop worrying about it. Let those fags sink themselves...
I fucking hate Nevermoure. They play Penn State all the time. I wish they would change their name to something more appropriate, like "Rehashed Fags" or something.
name stealers. fuck them in their hirsute bungholes, all of them.

I like the radio stations around here, though