Summer Breeze by Type O Negative

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
Who did the original version of this song.This song has to be a cover.I remember hearing a bit of an old AM-radio station like song that sounded like this one.And,no matter how weird Type O Negative are,I don't think they could write a song as "upbeat" and pop-ish as this song.I mean,the song "Kill All the White People" is right before this one,I don't think one band could go thru such extremes of song writing on their own:lol: So,would anyone know this?
The beginning of the song always reminds me of that Enya song where she sings...."sail away sail away sail away" (Orinoco Flow, I think). Anyway, as far as I know, the song is their original. They have written other songs indicative of this style.

i like type o's version where they make their own lyrics... 'summer girl' I think they call it, off the bloody kisses digipak
summer girl lyrics...

Her golden hair moving as the wind blows
Full moon on a Friday night
Little candle burning in the window
Lets me know everything's all right

Summer Girl make me feel fine
Always in the corner of my mind

Kenny Hickey lying on the sidewalk
Devil music from the house next door
So I step on over his vomit
Through the screen and across the floor

Sweet days of summer
Her love is in bloom
July is dressed up
And playing her tune

When I come home
From a hard days night
And you're waiting there
I don't have a care
A care in this world

See her smile lead me to the bedroom
Fire burning and there's wine for two
Feel your legs spreading out to take me
Just can't wait to get inside of you...
I think Roadrunner or Seals & Crofts had a problem with those lyrics so they were forced to use the original.:grin: