Band I recorded before, new song. Mesa. AD. Autotune :P


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
Hey dudes, this is the same band that I posted a thread about a few weeks ago.

New song.

Everything is pretty much the same setup-wise, but I had a bit more trouble getting the guitars to sound as good on this song. Obviously they were recorded at different times so the mic positiong may have been massively different :p

Comments/suggestions pleeeeease.
very cool
can u give a littel detalis about master and share your AD preset?

i love the sound but the ''autotone vocal'' sux to me:p

production amazing...
holy feck, that is a mean sounding mix!

When i came in reading people not liking the autotune i did not expect him to sound like cher.. lol, that is a bit too much unless it's what i suspect, that the band wanted it that way?
Hahaha, cheers guys! Thankyou for all the positive comments! :)

And yeah the band are really into making things a bit wacky and not taking things seriously, as I'm sure you can tell from the porn sample near the end of the song :p (the "yeah, nice and slow" bit) And they're also pretty into the whole t-pain/cher-esque auto-tune thing :p

The 'master' was literally just a BBE somic maximizer with both controls set to just below 1 (not o' clock) then the kjaerhus master limiter with the stock settings when you open it up.

The AD preset is actually one that fuge86 posted here quite a while ago for his song Egg. I just EQ'd it a fair bit in cubase and did a bit of parallel compression.
Hahaha, cheers guys! Thankyou for all the positive comments! :)

And yeah the band are really into making things a bit wacky and not taking things seriously, as I'm sure you can tell from the porn sample near the end of the song :p (the "yeah, nice and slow" bit) And they're also pretty into the whole t-pain/cher-esque auto-tune thing :p

The 'master' was literally just a BBE somic maximizer with both controls set to just below 1 (not o' clock) then the kjaerhus master limiter with the stock settings when you open it up.

The AD preset is actually one that fuge86 posted here quite a while ago for his song Egg. I just EQ'd it a fair bit in cubase and did a bit of parallel compression.

in that case nothing to complaint about man, great mix! :kickass:
Sounds great dude.

I LOLed at the "yeah, nice and slow" sample. Where is that from? I swear I've heard it before.

It sounds like the tail of the snare distorts sometimes. I don't know how to describe it. Occurs around 2:22. maybe it's an effect, but it sounds a bit like distortion/crackling to me, and I think I heard it once earlier in the mix too (maybe 0:46).

Also, I think the autotune is cool, but one of the phrases int he line sounds god-awful lol ("my name" at 1:00)
Thanks a lot Black neon bob, that means a lot coming from you dude! :D

And cheers Melodeath, and I'm not 100% sure about the "yeah nice and slow" bit, I'm pretty sure it's from a porn, but I might be mistaken :p And the thing you're talking about on the snare is actually a sample of some hand claps, they wanted that bit to sound a bit trancey, and it sounded dead weird going from the deathy-ness straight into the piano bit, so we put hand claps on the snare in the build-up to it to try and make it a bit more cheesy haha.

I'm glad someone likes the auto-tune a bit haha. And I'm recording another song with them in 2 weeks time, so we're gonna re-track some of the vocals then, especially the chorus vocals.

I've also just made a few small adjustments to the mix. I've taken the bass down ever so slightly as before I found it to be slightly overpowering. I've also un-muted a bit of extra vocals. Taken a bit of reverb off some of the vocals in the dancey bit. Eidted the cymbal takes together a bit more fluidly, although there still might be a few bits where the cymbals cut kinda strangely. I've also edited the transition into the chorus, as before they sort of came in like, a quarter of a beat before the beginning of the bar, and it made the next part sound really out of time, so I've time-stretched and moved things about a bit and I think the change sounds a bit smoother now.

New mix: re-mixed.mp3

Anyone got any suggestions as to how I can improve shizzle?

Thanks a lot for all the input so far guys! Much appreciated!
Haha, yeah the song is a little bit... different :p

Cheers for taking a listen dude! :)

Anyone else think of anything that sounds a bit off? I'm struggling a bit here, it sounds to me like there could be stuff improved, but I'm absolutely terrible at working out what needs changing...
I like that they don't take their own music entirely seriously.
I wouldn't usually like this sorta stuff, but the fact they throw in the old 5858 interval liberally just reeks of tongue in cheek, and the cher effect also, obviously.

Love the trance section near the end. So Enter Shikari haha.

Cool mix too. Guitars are a bit weird though? A fair bit of fizz. Could be a bit fuller sounding.
This one is better than the one a few weeks ago. I too hear some fizzy phase stuff going on in the sound and I bet it's the BBE plugin doing it.
I would like to hear one of your mixes without the BBE and see what it sounds like, much better I'm sure. I never had any luck with using BBE in my guitar rack live or a plugin in the studio.
Anyone else hear these things?
Great mix though as always and love that recto tone.