Band I recorded today... Black Metalcore... Pod X3.

are you using a transient designer on the snare? there is some kind of weird clipping on the snare sometimes.

the singing vocals are a kind of quiet. the guitars could cup up a bit as well. hope this helps
Yeah man, I did go a bit nuts with the transients on the snare haha, I pretty much did it to get a shit-load of smack so the drummer could hear it while we were tracking, then forgot to turn it down... And yeah I agree on the guitars, and most definately on the singing vocals...

Cheers Meisterjäger, the drums were actually triggers, but I quantized them all afterwards. However the cymbals were all programmed as I don't own any overheads.

I've just finished a (I think) slightly better mix of this song, as well as another song that the band just tracked with me.

Would be awesome to get some more opinions!

Cheers dudes!

Old song new mix - - I stand Broken.mp3

New song - - Reflections.mp3
These gang vocals are quite amusing, nothing against your production, but they're really stacatto and they all sound really bored.
Pretty nice mix, could probably do with a more upfront sounding snare.