Band just left the studio. how does this sound to non-fried ears?

coming back to it, the mix seems kinda muddy... guitars need polished up a bit? I think kick, snare, and vox may be a bit loud. might just be pushing the mastering too hard.
I honestly like it as it is.

I don't like this kind of music in the slightest, but this seems to have more character (mix wise) than the rest of the homogenised Sturgis worship crap on here.
It might just be me, but does anyone else think the guitars in the intro sound out of tune from left to right? Or is that a very light chorus?
It could just be it being dissonant though...
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm gonna go ahead and call this one done. I'll experiment a bit more on the next one.

It might just be me, but does anyone else think the guitars in the intro sound out of tune from left to right? Or is that a very light chorus?
It could just be it being dissonant though...

are you referring to the harmonics? there is no chorus on the guitars. you're hearing 2 guitars playing the same note. I always have a tiny bit of "chorus" sound when ever I double and higher single notes or leads. I just assumed that was the nature of double leads. am I the only one that ever has that problem? is it really possible to have a guitar that perfectly in tune for both takes that you don't get any of that at all? maybe I need to be more picky than I am about tuning...?
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm gonna go ahead and call this one done. I'll experiment a bit more on the next one.

are you referring to the harmonics? there is no chorus on the guitars. you're hearing 2 guitars playing the same note. I always have a tiny bit of "chorus" sound when ever I double and higher single notes or leads. I just assumed that was the nature of double leads. am I the only one that ever has that problem? is it really possible to have a guitar that perfectly in tune for both takes that you don't get any of that at all? maybe I need to be more picky than I am about tuning...?

If there is a specific part of the neck where this leads happens, try tuning the guitar at those notes with a chromatic tuner. I mean, for example, if you wanna record a few notes around the 16th fret, then, tune the guitar at 16. If you guitar has a perfect intonation, it shouldn't happen, but try it to see if it helps. For example, my bass is a shitty one, and I haven't perfected its intonation right since when I dropped it to C with bigger strings. Until i record serious stuff, I just tune it this way when I'm playing a specific higher part.
If there is a specific part of the neck where this leads happens, try tuning the guitar at those notes with a chromatic tuner. I mean, for example, if you wanna record a few notes around the 16th fret, then, tune the guitar at 16. If you guitar has a perfect intonation, it shouldn't happen, but try it to see if it helps. For example, my bass is a shitty one, and I haven't perfected its intonation right since when I dropped it to C with bigger strings. Until i record serious stuff, I just tune it this way when I'm playing a specific higher part.

I've done some of that in the past. I guess my question is, wouldn't you still get a little bit of that chorusy sound even if both parts are perfectly in tune simply because it's doubled?

I use auto tune on bass almost every time I record a band. does wonders! bass can be such a tricky instrument to record and mix...