Band Logo - Digital Art


Dec 5, 2006
Well, I have no idea where exactly this would go. But, my band Leviticus is new, and I decided to make a logo. What are your thoughts on it?


(Eh, I just noticed the swirls on the S are a bit off spot)
In general, I think it is pretty good. It looks good in monochrome (2 colors) which is important for future merchandise opportunities (T-shirts, etc...). The logo is well balanced and fairly unique.

However, the only problem I see with it is the first letter (which obviously is VERY important). If the name of your band is "Leviticus", I think the letter "L" should be more legible. No matter how many times I look at the logo, I do not see it as an "L". It looks more like "Reviticus", "Beviticus" or "Seviticus". This may cause some confusion. Your logo is the branding for your band and should be memorable and instantly identifiable.

Just my opinion... Good luck with your band and your artwork!
I agree the L is unreadable.
(Also, there's already a band with that name ,but, whatever)

Is there really now? Oh well. I like the logo. I spent far too much time on it to bother changing the name. Plus, there's this.


Everything is vectored. I'll try and make the L more legible tomorrow. :)