Band Name Help


New Metal Member
Jan 26, 2016
Hello. Our band is undecided on these three names. Please help us and let us know your pick. Thank you.

Sharon Terrors
Perish In Black
Set Fire To Me
Give the dude a break, he might actually have a boss Shakespeare reference in his username.

But yeah, unless I hear a reason why you chose those names they sound pretty meh.
Well, we can't seem to agree on a name so we decided to post it in public to see what responses we get. Two members chose Sharon Terrors which I don't like. Another member chose Set fire which reminds me of some Adele song. I chose Perish In Black to signify death being some sort of a dark void. The end to nothingness sort of...Anyways, we are in our teens and play a mixture of metal core with some synths. Although if I had my way, I'd play Pestilence/Autopsy sound with a little bit of mph. I would prefer one word band names, but it's tough to come up with one and the rest of the band doesn't seem to like it so I always get voted out.
Death Terror. I looked it up and it is not being used. IDK, I think it would be a good band name.
Older Than Time is a good, ironic name for a bunch of teens playing metalcore.
If you aren't in a cover band for The Chasm or Manilla Road (or a band that covers music from both), nobody here will be interested in your music. That's just the way it is.