Band Practise setup - amp and drum placement


New Metal Member
Jun 30, 2006
Hello metalnecks,

recently started practising with my first metal band and need a few tips regarding amp placement etc. The room we are in is small and the sound we got during our first 2 practises was pretty poor.

The band consists of a singer, 2 guitarists, a bassist, and a drummer. To get a decent sound, where do you recommend the amps and drums should be placed in a small square room?

Any help would be much appreciated.


In a small room square room, I'd say it probably depends on the drummer. I'd put the drummer in a corner (facing inward, of course), then put all the amps against the walls also pointing towards the center, so everyone hears everyone. The reason I say it depends on the drummer is because I know of some drummers who need to hear the bass player or need to hear a guitar player, and would therefore need that musicians amp pointing towards him instead of the center of the room.

I practice in an 11x11 room. I feel your pain.
i practice in a small room too, but we have 2 walls in hte way its almost like a little area for the drums, with 3 walls around him. we use the PA on same side as him facing out and both guitar amps are next to each other facing the drummer. this way, he can hear us really well and we can hear his triggers and vocals well. we dont have a bassist so i cant really help there, but i would think in the corner next to the guitars, you can feel bass more than you could guitars anyway.
Travis said:
In a small room square room, I'd say it probably depends on the drummer. I'd put the drummer in a corner (facing inward, of course), then put all the amps against the walls also pointing towards the center, so everyone hears everyone. The reason I say it depends on the drummer is because I know of some drummers who need to hear the bass player or need to hear a guitar player, and would therefore need that musicians amp pointing towards him instead of the center of the room.

I practice in an 11x11 room. I feel your pain.

what he said
Of course, all of this is going to go down the drain when you perform live since the drums usually will be placed in the center rear of the stage with the guitar amps to the sides, and often, in front of the drummer.

If you don't have a good monitor engineer or monitors, you're going to S.O.L. & J.W.F. (shit outta luck and jolly well fucked).
sumairetsu said:
Of course, all of this is going to go down the drain when you perform live since the drums usually will be placed in the center rear of the stage with the guitar amps to the sides, and often, in front of the drummer.

Practice with the drums outward insted of inward then so he gets used to it. Then have all the amps against the wall or on the side of the drummer.