Band promotion


Revel in this, bitch.
Sep 19, 2007
What do guys do as far as promoting your band?

I'm trying to increase my bands popularity but hit a wall pretty much.

So far we've done Myspace, Facebook, we just started a youtube channel..
We're trying to get air play on several internet radio stations and we put up our demo for free..

Any advice/stories on how to increase your overall popularity?
play your ass off.

Been trying that.. Unfortunately most places in New England are "Pay to play" bullshit. So I've been trying to get more internet popularity so my band can play better venues out of state.. Or at the very least make connections with them.

Which reminds me.. If anyone ever gets a message from "Afton" don't play their shows.. It's one giant scam (Just like any other pay to play). But these guys royally fuck you. We just told them to screw off..