Band Recommendation: Unexpect

Allure of the Earth

Temporary Psychotic State
Jul 4, 2004

Origin: Montreal, Canada
Status: Active
Label: Galy Records

Unexpect deserve high marks for originality on Utopia, their debut self-financed release. Pinpointing their sound is difficult, as they blend elements of black metal with gothic and almost symphonic touches, with complex riffing augmented by keyboards and the occasional violin. Vocally, they're all over the map, with black/death growls the more prevalent style but with some excellent graceful female vocals and choir work thrown into the mix. A surprisingly mature work, Utopia is hopefully only the start of a promising career for a band with almost limitless boundaries. This band could really develop into something special and unique. Utopia is a highly recommended album.

Quite Possibly, the best band to come out of Quebec Since Quo Vadis, If you like Arcturus, Ulver or Carnival In Coal this band is for you.

MP3 Sample:




(MCD) We, Invaders

Pfft, I don't think anyone is telling you to go away, just don't make your first post faceless and everyone will give you much gay love (or straight love, if you are of the female variety).
I wasn't trying to be a dick (so much), it just bugs me when people make their first post "HEY LOOK AT THIS I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT JOOS BUT CHECK THIS OUT BECAUSE IT'S MY FAVORITE BAND LOZLZOZL"

BSW, motherfucker, I thought I told you not to show that picture to anyone. ESPECIALLY since you were the cameraman that day. :loco: