uneXpect: Canadian Symphonic/Black/Death/Bohemian metal band!


Aug 22, 2005
Alright, so they're not exactly "new" but they're almost unknown and I'll be damned if someone says they don't deserve to be known. Straight from Canada's metal capital, Montréal, these wonderful seven musicians create a sound that truly is unexpected. Most tracks have strange and uncommon structures (that is mostly apparent in their second release, the EP "_We, Invaders") and the bohemian influence makes this band one of the most unique sound experience in the modern metal scene.

The band is:
Syriak: Black metal-style lead vocals and lead guitar
le bateleur: Violin
Leìlindel: Female lead vocals
ExoD: Keyboard
ArtagotH: Death metal vocals and lead guitar
ChaotH: Bass (custom-made 9-string!)
Landryx: Drums

For any information on shows, albums, and anything else, check out their official site @ www.unexpect.com

For music samples: www.myspace.com/unexpect
I've seen a picture of that 9-string bass. It's outrageous! Though it would be fun as hell to play...with really long fingers.
Base Delta Zero said:
I've seen a picture of that 9-string bass. It's outrageous! Though it would be fun as hell to play...with really long fingers.

Yes, fortunately, this man has these genetically enhanced fingers. See for yourself.

I actually have bad news considering the next album "In A Flesh Aquarium", its release date has been changed. It will be out only in August instead of June.
I have been waiting for their new album since I listened to _We, Invaders for the first time, almost two years ago... ;)

Easily my favourite Canadian band, they are EXCELLENT. Very fun live as well as on disc. I saw them about a month ago, they were just incredible.