Band Recommendations


Jul 14, 2006
I think it has been pretty cool that for the last couple of years Glenn has put some bands in the line up that haven't been your typical progressive bands, like Freak Kitchen, Jorn, and Pink Cream 69. Don't get me wrong, I really like bands like Evergrey, Symphony X, etc. I'm also a fan of the more melodic bands. Some suggestions for bands that don't come over here to the States would be Gotthard, Thunder, D.A.D. (which I just saw in Germany and they ROCKED!!!), and Fair Warning. Just suggestions though, I'll be at PP8 no matter what. Also, how about the band Leverage as an opener for Sat. night? It's been a few weeks since Glenn anounced Raintime, I picked up their first CD and cannot stop playing it. If their new CD blows this one away, I cannot wait for it to come out!

:rock: :rock: :rock:
I like the melodic stuff too that Glenn has been bringing in for the last couple of years. I'm hoping to see at least one band like that per year amongst the other talent. I've gotten into Gotthard lately and I think they'd go over well at the fest too. House of Lords would be another cool band to put on the roster sometime as well.