Band that sounds a bit like Tool?


New Metal Member
Mar 13, 2013
I remember hearing a song by a band that sounds a bit like Tool. I have already looked through all A Perfect Circle songs I can find, and haven't found it. I've also checked into Earshot and still can't figure it out.

The issue is that I can remember the intro, it's a single, heavy guitar strum, with thick, but not metal distortion. Sounds a lot like the guitaring in Sober. Then it's followed by a constant, slow snare roll with a single bass beat every measure, like a down beat. 4/4 measure, with no other instruments. The vocals are low and come in late, and hard to make out, much like Tool's, hence my confusion. The issue is that as the chorus begins, my mind switches to Sober. It's obviously not Tool, I can remember that.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Any bands, that might have a song like that would be awesome. Many thanks.
Unfortunately, neither song is it. I only described the first 10 seconds or so. And the band name doesn't ring a bell either. Sorry.
Checked it. That wasn't it. I'm fairly sure it isn't Chevelle. Not the right sound. This song was like a Fray song played by Tool. And it opened with a single guitar note, and it didn't continue until the first bridge. Just drums and vocals.

Edit: i checked the playlist, and none of the bands ring a bell, and it wasn't any of those songs.