band troubles....oh how i hate that sh**


Jul 27, 2005
so, i'm playing in this female fronted melodic metal band...sorta.

little background history: those guys and girl have been putting out full lengths since the late 1990s. the first three albums got progressively better, to the point that the third album absolutely slayed imho. fourth one was quite bad though, largely because of internal problems i think.
the lineup has always been stable except for the second guitar player slot which changed quite often.
i joined those guys in 2007 - for one thing, i loved the third album, saw a lot of potential in this band, and i gotta say they are awesome guys to hang out with, despite the fact that most of them are in their mid 30s to early 40s (i'm in my mid 20s btw). i'm still very good friends with all of them.

now, since i joined them, we put out a 5 track EP that was pretty cool, albeit rushed because of label pressure - stupid label didn't release that shit though as they went bankrupt. shit happens.
shortly after that our singer became pregnant, so the band pretty much was on hold in 2008 all the way into early 2009. no problems with that.

it was around that time when the problems started to appear though....the other guitar player lost all of his motivation, didn't practice, didn't even come to rehearsal for quite a while. the drummer has always been hit and day he'll be highly motivated, wanting to try new stuff, the other day he'll want to call it quits.
in spring 2010 went through some tough personal shit and later decided that he wanted to continue stronger than ever. still the same shit with the other guitar player though....and finally, last month he decided to quit.
we actually were fine with that, as he's been highly demotivated for the last few years, and we thought that now that he's gone he won't hold us back anymore, so we could focus on writing new stuff, going into a new direction, and really make this happen.
so, being the only guitar player left i'm writing my ass off, managing things (together with my singers husband, who's always been the manager type of guy), doing promo work etc, we're booking shows for this years winter etc.

yesterday, i got a mail from my short words, he's got a busy work schedule and would rather spend his free time with his wife and other hobbies than doing band stuff.
i'm not even talking shit about that, but still, i was like WTF??? is this the same guy that wanted to go places just months ago??

you know, i'm working my ASS off for that band, and i LIKE it. it's grown to be my baby in some ways. i can write all the melodic stuff that wouldn't fit with my main band (tech death), plus i just LOVE making music together with my singer - she's a fabulous person and a stellar singer.

so, why am i writing all this?? because i'm pissed off and just need to vent. sorry for that.
it just saddens me that these guys take it so easy to flush down 15yrs of band history down the toilet, and the "new guy" is the only one (aside from our singer) that keeps pushing forward.
i also hate the fact that we got shows lined up (first ones since early 2008!) which we'll have to cancel now, because no rehearsal = no show. fucking sucks.

i dunno, maybe we just got to call it a day....
besides, i got some f'n awesome nevermore/arch enemy style music written that wouldn't fit with the more 80s style approach of the band anyways, but i think it can work perfectly with a new drummer (that knows how to play proper double bass, not that fucked up 8th note triplets at 170bpm excuse for double bass shit) and my singer.

sorry for the epic post and rant....i just HATE it when this kinda stuff happens.
I know your pain as well as probably anyone that has ever played in a band.

We were in the middle of an album recording session, having shows and longer tours lined up straight into spring of next year and our drummer just went batshit insane from one day to the other. It's unbelievable how some people can throw away years of work in a matter of days. To say it's disillusioning, shocking and debilitating would be quite an understatement.

Sometimes, these things are a long time coming and at the end no one is really surprised, but when it comes so out of the blue, it's such a setback.

In a few years you probably look back on it and see the positive outcome, but it takes some anger, grief and frustration to overcome on the way.

Good luck man!
stack your odds up dude and weigh your pros and cons. I was in the same sort of position, abeit, only a small local band, but the same thing applies. As much as I loved the music, the members weren't pulling their weight and the effort just wasn't there. Luckily, I found another person who was as motivated is I, and we started my current band. Which, has been a stark difference from the last one. In a few short years we've supported international acts, released an EP and an Album soon, got onto a label and got a nice set of companies behind us too.

The key is motivation/ determination and conviction. If any 1 member shows this somewhat less than the others, then it doesn't work. A band is only as strong as it's weakest link.

Good luck with it, and go with your heart. But still remember, in the end a calculated decision is important because it's obvious you take this seriously.
Sometimes things aren't always what they seem... and sometimes we are our own worst enemy. That's usually what it comes down to when we have dreams and abandon them.
Get a new drummer and slay \m/
As it seems the drummer wasn't stellar anyway, so get someone with motivation and get things rolling.
I allready quited shows because there wasn't enough motivation for rehearsals going on, and everyone's gotta be clear about why he's in a band and were the priorities are.
It is better that the guy told you that he wants to quit to have more time for his family (nothing wrong with that), so see it as a chance to get someone who's motivated.
Really bad luck about the timing though, would be better if he'd been clear about that before you booked the shows :/
But yeah, get someone new and do your thing!