Band's first recording - feedback welcome


New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2008
I've posted this song on some other forums (, talking metal, These all all good places to bounce your music and recordings off of other metal heads.

Anhow, my band is doing the 'home recording' thing since it's much more gratifying (and inexpensive) than the studio thing. The link to our first home recorded song is below, so FEEL FREE TO BASH AWAY AT IT. IE, provide feedback on the mix, mastering, playing, style, etc. We want all the feedback (both good and bad) that we can get. Here's are the links:



Moreover, for all you musicians and home recording gurus, some recording details are as follows:
+ Presonus firestudio project into Cubase LE
+ Pentium Core 2 Quad processor + Asus P5Q MB (awesome combo; no latency whatsoever) based computer
+ Seven drum mics (ride mic'd, but no hi-hat)
+ Drumagog on kick drum only
+ Bass guitar cab mic'd with Shure Beta 52A
+ Lots of plug-ins on the mix and master

Guitar details are as follows:

1. Clean - early 80's Peavey Predator, made in USA, original pickups
2. All distortion (including heavy) - early 80's Charvel San Dimas with original Jackson humbucker

I purchased both of these guitars at pawn shops for approx. $140 each and reburbished them as best I could.

3. Heavy Distortion - Schecter Loomis 7-string with SD Blackout humbucker. Tuned A-E-A-D-G-B-E. Even though the song is in E standard for the most part, I still had to use the Loomis.

For clean and mild/verse distortion I used a generic 2x12 cab loaded with Celestion v30's. For heavy distortion, I used the massive Marshall MF400. I rewired the speakers in an X pattern; ie, 2 100 watt celestions running diagonally and 2 v30's running diagonally. Interestingly, I run different inputs for each of these pairs; ie, one input on the back of the cab goes to the 100 watt celestions and another input goes to the v30's. The 100 watt speakers have more bottom end; the v30's have more high-end and midrange character.

I used the Senn e609 for all parts, I believe. I simply had no luck with 57's.

For the heavy guitars, I experimented and used a TS9 tube screamer on some parts, and a Zakk Wylde overdrive pedal for other parts.

I only used effects for clean and verse parts and they are all plug-ins (except for the wah, which is an original Bad Horsie).

Thanks for listening.
sounds pretty good, but the master sounds a bit "masked", like there's something lacking in the midrange that prevents it from sounding in your face
also the heavy guitars sound too scooped for my liking...
kick could come up a bit and bass could back off in the subs a bit maybe to make some room for the bottom end of the kick to have some impact.
great playing and nice drumsound overall!
Thanks for the feedback. I've struggled with getting a good attack on the kick without it sounding too punchy, so I'll definitely keeping working on that. And I know what you mean (punckrock) about 'something lacking' in the midrange. I'm finding (for me at least) that the midrange has the most complex dynamics and is very hard to hear, adjust, dial in, etc.