Bands Overall Performances and Thoughts


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
This thread should be thoughts and ratings about the band's performances, etc. I'll begin by rating each performance using a five star basis. By the way, I did actually watch some or all of each band's performaces over the wekend.

***** Excellent
**** Very Good
*** Good
** Fair
* Poor

Friday Night

Pathosray - I was fairly excited about seeing this band, but come to find out they weren't my thing. Basically, they're a little too much on the prog side for me. Overall, I give their performance *** stars.

Elvenking - I own material from this band, so I was looking forward to their performance. They have some growing to do, but overall they were entertaining. I give their performance *** stars.

Andromeda - I was not looking forward to this band whatsoever. With that said, several songs into their set they got me hooked. The guitarist and drummer are bad asses! The lead singer is the weakest part for me, because he voice just doesn't stand out. I give this band **** stars...I was very pleased.

Iron Savior - I was heavily anticipating this band's performance, because they were strictly power metal. With that said, I'm still wondering where the power is! Overall, this band had the worst stage presence of the entire festival in my opinion. The lead singer was good, but the other guys are mediocre at best. I give their performance ** stars...and I'm being kind.

Riverside - I knew going into this set that this band isn't for me. Quite frankly their music bores me and I don't like the jazz base that its built upon. At least that's what I gather from it. With that said, just because it isn't my cup of tea doesn't mean I'm not going to be fair. This band was a class act and very talented. I do understand their appeal to their fans and I think they delivered to them. I give their performance **** stars.

Amorphis - Again, I own several releases from this band, so I enjoy their studio work. Oddly enough, it turns out that I enjoy their death metal songs better live than their clean/death stuff live. Their pure death metal songs really got me pumped and were really fun! Yep, I'm for sure on the slippery slope. I give their set **** stars.

Saturday Night

Saint Deamon - I was heavily anticipating this band's set, because I've really enjoyed their debut this year. With that said, they delivered and met my expectations. I'm really looking forward to this band's future releases! I give their performance **** stars.

S.U.E. - These guys are simply not my cup of tea. I can listen to their studio efforts from time to time, but that's as far as it goes. I feel like the lead singer is the weakest part of this band. Quite frankly, I think they're a little overrated. I give their performance *** stars at best.

Rob Rock - I've been a fan of Rob's stuff for several years now, so it's obvious he was a big draw for me. With that said, I had my doubts about his voice not going over as well live. Well, all of those doubts went away after hearing the first song! He more than delivered to meet my expectations. By the way, I can't wait for the DVD to come out! I give his performance **** stars.

Mustasch - Now, here's the sleeping giant for me. I wasn't expecting nothing from this band, but I wound up getting my ass kicked. I will be buying their stuff soon! IMO, they are a mix of classic Black Sabbath and Motorhead. Mustasch has a thick, down and dirty sound that really appeals to the rocker in me. This was a very, very fun set and a great way to set things up for what was to come. I give their set **** 1/2 stars. They really kicked some serious ass!

JOP - What can I say? I'm biased as hell, Jon is a god and his music never get old to me. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Jon has a lifetime pass to ProgPower in my opinion! :) To be fair, I have seen better from him. He was struggling vocally and I know he was being rushed back stage. That wasn't his fault, but I think it effected him and his band's performance. To be fair, I'll have to give JOP *** 1/2 stars overall. Hopefully, the rest of the tour will go better for the guys.

Iced Earth - I was really anticipating IE's set no doubt. In my opinion, I had the best seat in the house. I was literally standing behind Glenn on the front rail. Yeah Glenn, that was me in the Edguy shirt that kept hitting you with my fist! :) By the way, I'm very grateful to Sword Lord (Nathan) for giving me his spot for the're the man! With all that said, I didn't think Barlow's voice came over as good live as I had hoped. His overall stage presence made up for it though. The dude is seriously intense and is as metal as hell! I thought the rest of the band was spot on and delivered a fantastic set list. The highlight for me was hearing Burning Times and the Gettysburg Trilogy. I thought I was going to jump the rail when they broke out Burning Times! :) Overall, I give Iced Earth **** 1/2 stars. This was "true" metal at its best!

Friday Night

Pathosray - Pretty good. They didn't seem too together at points. I like their music a lot though.

Elvenking - They kicked some serious ass. I love the band and they delivered as well as I could imagine.

Andromeda - Fucking awesome. Had a great time. Well worth my money. Chameleon Carneval gives me chills every damn time. Lead guitarist is an absolute master. The guy plays complex stuff so relaxed so focused. Sucks whatever technical issue (seems it was with his equipment) occured during Encyclopedia, but hell the Line6 sounded great when he played through that.

Iron Savior - Missed it. Wanted to see them, but shit happens.

Riverside - So damn good. They played great, very emotional, and they played loud and heavy which seems to work for the fest. I would have preferred their sound to be lower and a tad more atmospheric (I understand the decision to have as is), but I thought they were awesome.

Amorphis - Great. I'm glad I got to see the band. The performance was energetic and solid. Great setlist!

Saturday Night

Saint Deamon - Loved it. I know its cheesy, gay or whatever, but I loved it! The vocalist is awesome!

S.U.E. - I didn't know if I'd like it going in. But they were fucking good. Not a fan of the lead singer, but instrumentally it was great to listen to.

Rob Rock - Missed it. I wish I could have seen it, but something I had to do. I might get the DVD, because I really like the band.

Mustasch - I really enjoyed the variety during the night. Was a total changeup from what I heard, and from what I would hear. I had a lot of fun with their music and performance.

JOP - I wanted to see him for another 2 hours. Just love the music. Its brilliant and beautiful. I want more. Much more. I thought we were going to hear Chance. Matt LaPorte is f'ing awesome.

Iced Earth - Kicked ass! I left before the end, but they delivered. Glad I finally got to see them. I'll definitely see them again. Was interesting to hear Matt sing on the stuff that Tim had. It confirmed that both of them are great, but different. Only bad thing was that they had to change everything up, and took a long time and it had a wearing effect. But very pleased :)
Elvenking *
Andromeda ***
Riverside ****
Amorphis *****
Spheric Universe Experience ***
Rob Rock ***
Mustasch **
Iced Earth *****
Elvenking (**) - I bought The Winter Wake and The Scythe, and I just couldn't get into it. Granted, I didn't read lyrics or any of that as I'm not a lyrically oriented guy, but two spins of each just didn't do it. This directly transferred to the performance. I'm sure I'm missing something (since everyone and their mothers liked them the other day) so I'll revisit them and try to dig deep. Since everyone loved them, I'll add a star.

Iron Savior (*****) - I'm a huge fan of Piet's guitar and vocal style, so I was looking forward to hearing him in an Iron Savior context rather than Savage Circus. He certainly didn't disappoint, and I was treated to another dose of German Power Metal.

Amorphis (**) - I was completely unfamiliar with them going into their set. I think that maybe if I had listened to some songs spanning their huge history then I'd have enjoyed it. But from a strictly hear-it-for-the-first-time-on-the-spot point of view, I just couldn't lock in on them. The vocalist's sustained growls were pretty impressive, though.

Rob Rock (*****) - Best clean pipes of the festival, hands down. Lots are complaining about the lack of stage mobility, but I was too caught up in the stellar playing to give a crap.

Mustache (****) - I had no experience with their music prior to the festival. Didn't need to. Their frontman carried the performance so well that you don't need to know their music. Very riff-heavy, Black Sabbath'ish, and humorous. The heaviness and humor kinda reminded me of Freak Kitchen, and I loved those guys too :) "I'm playing guitar in America! And you LIKE IT!!" Love it.

JOP (*****) - As I noted in another thread, Chris Oliva was summoned prior to the show to possess their guitarist. That was hands-down the best lead playing I've had the privilege of seeing and hearing - that man was in the zone. Jon has to get chills whenever that man touches a guitar and plays Chris' style. Damn. The Mountain King was great, too - I was really looking forward to hearing his unique voice .. and to hear him do "In The Hall of the Mountain King" was my Saturday's highlight.

Iced Earth (****) - Jon is a high-speed riff demon, and hearing Stormrider and Iced Earth was all I really wanted. Though I only got to hear Jon's playing on one of those songs, I was satisfied. Playing too many songs from recent albums takes a star away, though. And the time they spent doing Gettysburg would have been better served in delivering Dante's Inferno.

Hellish Rock
Manticora (***) - I can't remember the performance that well, but I'm putting down a number of stars according to how I remember I felt that night. Very good, but I wish his voice had been 100%.

Gamma Ray (*****) - Kai Hansen is one of my heroes, and he brought his A-game. German Power Metal perfection is embodied in that man. Henjo and Dirk were excellent to watch, also.

Helloween (***) - The band is fantastic. Everything was tight, and the lead playing between Weikath and that other guy was damned great. However, I simply do not like Andi Deris. I saw that video of him doing I Want Out and got a horrible first impression of him, but people said he was having an off night. Well, his performance didn't do it for me either. If they had ventured away from the Kiske material, I wouldn't have been so negative towards him; but then again, I wouldn't have recognized much of anything, as I have no Helloween albums post-Kiske. Oh well. It was enjoyable, regardless of Andi.
Mustach.....was Fing Awesome. Loved it. At the beginning of the set everyone was like ummmmm, by the end they had the place rocking. Very Awesome band.

JOP: Just a spiritual moment for me.I wish JOP could have had a nother hour to play at least.

Iced Earth: Good set but I think I would have liked some more Horror Show & Dark Saga (Where was The Hunter!!!)....almost too heavy (Not metal wise but Lyrical content wise) for a show. I think shorter songs tend to do better live. However I did love hearing Matt do the Gettysburg songs. Sucks that the rig blew up on Jon in the IE song. I think they cut the set short a little because of time. Also Iced Earth looked exhausted or was it just me. (Except for Matt)
I was not familiar with most of the bands on this years roster and went in blind on most of these having not done much home work so to speak over the last year trying to learn these bands and the material. My low marks are a reflection of the above and not a reflection of the actual performances or a knock on Glen or the line up. All bands played very well and if you are a fan of the band in question, I am sure you were happy.

Pathosray - I did not know the band when they were announced and I had not really looked into them so I went in blind. Not bad....they did not blow me away but it was okay. *** stars

Elvenking - This was entertaining. Again, not blown away but I like some of the material from this band but not all. *** stars.

Andromeda - Again, I was not familiar with the material but these guys are talented. The guitar player is a monster. *** stars

Iron Savior - Again, I was not familiar with the material and I was not feeling it at all. ** stars

Riverside - They are very good at what they do. Not being a hue fan I still enjoyed them quite a bit. **** stars.

Amorphis - If you are a fan, I can't imagine why you would not have liked this set. I am not a fan and it was okay for me. *** stars.

Saturday Night

Saint Deamon - I am a sucker for this type of music. Great find! I loved it! ***** stars.

S.U.E. - Very talented indeed but not for me.***

Rob Rock - The dude can sing but the material is too generic for my taste. *** stars.

Mustasch -I missed most of this but caught the last 4 songs. I had no idea who they were but they were a lot of fun. I really enjoyed this. **** stars.

JOP - OKAY.....HERE IS THE DEAL. I am most likely the only one on the board or at PP last Saturday that does not know JOP or Savatage. Yes I know who they are but I missed the whole Savatage thing back in the day and for whatever reason have never been interested in checking them out. My buddy(edgeofthorns) here on the forum has tried to turn me on to Savatage but I have been stubborn and have maybe spun a song or two. Really!!!!!! I HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT THEM!!!! Having said that, this was the set of the festival for me. They were very entertaining and I loved it. ***** stars

Iced Earth - I am not a huge IE fan but respect what they do and I think they delivered what one would expect from them. ***

This was not a favorable line up for my taste but I went anyway to support the music and the festival. I will continue to do so as long as I can. Thanks Glen and crew for all you do. Even though it was not my favorite line up, I still had a god time and the line up for next year made up for it and next year will slay.

BTW........Helloween and GR was the highlight of the festival for me. Thanks Glen for adding this tour to the festival. It made it all worth while.