Bands similar to Orphaned Land

"to throw stones with the intent to kill"...Samael are Swiss aren't they?
hoooo :)

"Dénoyauter" means "Remove the -noyau-". Noyau is in french indeed a fruit stone, a cell nucleus, or kernel.

Even if "to stone" can be specific to remove a fruit stone, the right verb in french is this case is "lapider" which is indeed to throw stone at someone with intent to kill.
It's Babylon's fault. I should get me a proper french dictionary
it has made mistakes before
like this(copy pasted from babylon)
• awesome
adj. terrible, effrayant

that's translated to french but you don't need to be a frenchman to see the first translation is not quite right.

anyway i know the verb lapider...and yeah i guess i should have used it...
so lapidez les Suisse
dunno if anyone here, give a listen to new rotting christ stuff "theogonia" that's a brilliant piece of shit with lotso oriental sampling and so on. i have not studied it yet but it seems that the concept deals with babel (at least on enuma elish ) i dunno how it's called in english, "ezan" or let's say "prayers call " screamed out from mosque. anyway since the melody of this thing is so different in my country that i did not realize . after few listening i realize that it could be the "hayye ales-salah" line of the thing in the sampling. with some string sampling at the background. anyways many middle easterns here so tell me if i am right or not when you get the chance to take a listen to the song. many bands tried this thing mostly as an intro or outro ) but this thing just kills. i totally dig this band and i respect them for not giving up for all these years. uppps the topic is "bands similar to orphaned land"... i don't think rc has something much common with o.l. with the sound, i just want to post the message as it's the one that suits most on this board.