Bands that play live to a click

My friend's band, versaemerge, is a pretty big band (played bamboozle this weekend on main stage) and they use an iPod panned hard with samples one side and click to the other.

Awesome, explains why they are pretty tight from the videos I've seen
Awesome, explains why they are pretty tight from the videos I've seen

I don't know if blake still uses an ipod. I know there is only one guitarist now so what devin (bassist) told me that they did is record the di's of the other guitar parts, set up an amp live and run the di's through the live amp through a computer which is also running the samples. They all have in ear monitoring. It's really a genius set up. A sort of "live re-amp". :Smug:
pft. Please guys... I've know the guitarist for like 6 years... I would like cry if he asked me to join. haha It would make my life complete. Also, the original drummer got the boot, so they have a guy filling in for him right now. He used to drum for a band called, "Hidden in Plain View".

and I don't think they are looking for any replacements as of right now. haha
I don't know if blake still uses an ipod. I know there is only one guitarist now so what devin (bassist) told me that they did is record the di's of the other guitar parts, set up an amp live and run the di's through the live amp through a computer which is also running the samples. They all have in ear monitoring. It's really a genius set up. A sort of "live re-amp". :Smug:

We're doing the same idea, but using the Preamp out on the 6505+'s for monitoring, DI the bass, and split the connection from the wireless vox. Using Trigger live (it's AWESOME, drumagog couldn't cut it). It sounds real good. Hoping it'll really make the live show work well. It controls the lights and samples too.
the best isolating in ears you can buy without going to custom fit route is getting the shure scl5's they are amazing in ear monitor's


edit. AHHHH! Any at least usable ones for under 100? :zombie: ?

I'm mostly worried about isolation, is it hard to apply on in-ears without raising the price that much?
yo yo, only our drummer plays to the click, he uses the isolation headphones apparently didn't like the in-ears he tried too much. For playback we use an ADAT machine although we switching to a laptop soon to have lights as well.