Bands that pulled out


Aug 1, 2002
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Hey Glenn, would you let us know what are the bands that pulled out a couple weeks ago? Apparently, Angra was one of them, am I right?
You are incorrect. However, I came within an eyelash of Shaman.

The other band that pulled out will remain something for me to bitch about in my book.

Glenn H.
Angrafan, AngraRULES, Edu_Falaschi i think we have at least 3 very disappointed fans in here.
I heard that the reason for Angra not coming it's b/c they're very busy with the new album and that they are planning to do a tour in the U.S.
That would be legit excuse and I'd certainly hope they can pull off a full US tour. I just hope they didn't commit to Glenn and then backed out. That's not cool. If they said they were unavailable from day one or if Glenn never approached them, then that's just part of the business.
The email I received from their management was something like "We're negotiating Angra's participation in ProgPower V and we'll probably be a headliner again"

I don't know how much of a truth that is, but Angrafan already said their management isn't the greatest. Oh well, it'll be awesome if they do a tour here. Hopefully it won't be the 17th or 18th of September.... LOL
hmm. A good friend of mine from Brazil has told me Shaman and Andre has mentioned the US being kind of secondary in their priority. Even Europe being more important for the band. I applaud your effort Glenn, and hope this does not discount the interest in having Shaman play at a future ProgPowerUSA. But honestly this does not surprise me they were 1 of the bands who backed out. O well, we do have the DVD to watch atleast and they are working on a new album. But I may have to find some way to travel to Brazil in order to actually see them and Andre perform live. But your interest in trying to get them to play is appreciated Glenn.

Harvester said:
You are incorrect. However, I came within an eyelash of Shaman.

The other band that pulled out will remain something for me to bitch about in my book.

Glenn H.

At one point you mentioned that only ONE band from PPIII would be returning to PPV, and now there are two: Edguy and PoS. I'll assume therefore that one of these were a replacement for a band that pulled out? If so, can you share which of the two stepped in at the 'last minute'?

I'll guess PoS, but that's only because I flipped a coin to determine so. :loco:

Hey Kyle, Rob said Hi (Soundscape)

The DVD is good, but I think Andre Matos made too many little mistakes in that. Also, the USA really are secondary for them, they don't really pay attention to the US. Maybe someday they will play here... I'd love to see that!!!
It has to be PoS that filled the open gap...

I just can't see a headliner band pull out and to be able to find a band like Edguy to replace the headliner...seems like Edguy would have been booked in advance...
If it is Pain Of Salvation filling in for someone who pulled out on Glenn (*chuckle*), I thank whoever it was that decided not to contaminate PPV with their less-than-honorable presence! Pain of Salvation is the the biggest draw for the "prog" crowd, so you will see quite a few prog-heads turn up because of them.

Personally, I think the whole lineup kicks serious ass, especially day 2. I mean Adagio getting things going! They are the best neoclassical/prog/power metal band this side of Symphony X. And Edguy closing. And before Edguy, Daniel "Is there a more talented rock musician/composer alive?" Gildenlöw, and the guys from PoS play a set of songs chosen by us, the fans.The second day itself is worth the 95 bucks.

And the first day too...Savatage, Kamelot...with Into Eternity and Dreamscape opening things. I just hear a little of all the openers, and they are all high quality, but Dreamscape and Into Eternity really did it for me. Very prog in a DT kind of way.

This has got to be the best lineup since ProgPower I.
I'm pretty sure that PoS were one of the last-minute-substitutes, because Edguy is booked as the headliner the second night, and they basically stole the show at PP3, so I believe Glenn had intended Edguy to be at PP5 from the beginning, and when the 2 bands pulled out, PoS just happened to work into the schedule nicely.