Bands that want that sound...

it kinda pisses me off!
I mean I did a demo for Drown my day (check the sound on this thread) I had a great sound because of the band I think.
Now another band asked me to have the very same sound, I mean same heavyness !
Goddamn how in this fucking planet can I give you the same sound if you got different players? :lol: :Smug:
Here you can find the mix I did for this band
Yeah not my best sound but:
I'm pissed off a lot when you ask me to have the same sound and
working on it I achieve something similar (guitar wise, drums were fucked so basically I did a different sound)
but they think is different!!!!
Since I started mixing producing I realized that the sound is really in the players hands.
Drown my day had this kind of tight sound, the DI's had punch because they for sure played with few gain so they hit the strings very hard.
While this band I bet played softer, hitting the strings softer and maybe monitoring with a lot of gain on the amp.
Yeah the player really helps your mixing job
Kinda pissed off today lol

have a nice day
I know your situation very well!!! Last year I was doing a band and they wanted the FIRST BLOOD drumsound. But the drummer was so bad that I have to edit all drums and thats why I have to cut all low frequenzies of the OH and Ambience...the sound was very triggered and the cymbals were very thin....
Bands dont understand thats in their own hands to have a good sound. If they are tide as hell and good players they will always sound great still the production is poor.
For example: Deftones, Terror, All shall perish, since the flood, pantera...all bands had a very bad production on the first release but they sounded still great because of their playing
I always give clients a reference of what I've done in the past. I explain to them that while my techniques for basic tones are similar from project to project, you can definitely hear the differences in the productions because the bands are different...Throwing a variety of sounds at them I think helps them see what you can do without actually wanting to ape one band's sound.
Actually, I'm kind of flattered that bands want to sound like one of my productions. The first bands that came in gave me The Red Chord and Caliban as examples of how they wanted to sound, which is cool but pretty unattainable for someone starting out. The first time someone said they wanted a sound similar to a project I had done I thought it was kind of cool, not to mention knowing how to get in the ballpark. Sounds like you have a tough situation, but its worth thinking about the bright side of it as well.