Bare Knuckle pickups in US?


Nov 30, 2007
Dayton, Ohio
So I've been doing some listening around and I'm pretty much sold on the BKP Nailbomb for my Agile Septor. I was wondering if anyone knows of a place where I can order them that is US based?
Christ, are they worth that much?

Yes. End of. But seriously, I've never been more consistently impressed with a company. I have a Nailbomb in my LP and its incredible, it beats my EMG 81 hands down for rhythm tones. I have also played quite a few of the others, and they all rock. The Mule is another fantastic sounding pup.
Look at the amp I own, I'm a sucker for shit like this:headbang:

Right on. I just can't hear a $130 difference between the Bare Knuckle stuff and Seymour Duncans/DiMarzios. But hey, its your money! :headbang:

And I find it funny that the OP would a $200 pickup in a $350 guitar. Seems a pup like should be treated like royalty and put in a nice handmade guitar. Haha.
Right on. I just can't hear a $130 difference between the Bare Knuckle stuff and Seymour Duncans/DiMarzios. But hey, its your money! :headbang:

And I find it funny that the OP would a $200 pickup in a $350 guitar. Seems a pup like should be treated like royalty and put in a nice handmade guitar. Haha.

This is true, I guess I'm lucking being in the UK, the price difference is only about £40, which is worth it in my opinion, especially over Dimarzios :puke:
This is true, I guess I'm lucking being in the UK, the price difference is only about £40, which is worth it in my opinion, especially over Dimarzios :puke:

Ah that explains it, they have all those import export fee crap on them here.
I bought my last 4 EMG's at different times brand new for 75 a piece at the local GC, 47 a piece for the last Duncan KB and Distortion I bought...I keep hearing about BKP, but I think I'd be hard pressed to justify a 200 dollar p/up.
I've recorded a few bands in the past that had BK pups in their guitars. They were great pickups...dunno if they are worth the $200 price tag...but they were good. Personally I'd say a good Duncan or even an EMG would perform just as well, in my experience anyway.
