Bareknuckle Pickups?

Sep 20, 2009
Helsinki Finland
Anybody got any demos or information are they any good food?
I got this -89 Charvel 650XL that has it's stock pickups on and i think they sound a bit muddy. I thought to try something different this time, after a good research throughoutly :)

BTW im so proud of my new baby that here's a few pics! :D 650 XL/P1070779.JPG 650 XL/P1070789.JPG 650 XL/P1070792.JPG 650 XL/P1070784.JPG
There's definitely some clips and opinions around the forum if you search. I have a Miracle Man in my Schecter and I love it. Pretty tight, articulate, percussive sounding p'up.
well, they might be better than the Charvel's stock pups, but if you're going for "not muddy" I'd advice against them...get a duncan SH15 instead...
of if you want bare knuckles...I'm selling a basically unused Aftermath
BKPs are awesome. I have a set of Nailbombs in my Soloist and a Painkiller in the bridge of my Les Paul and they absolutely destroy EMG, Duncan, DiMarzio and the like, like... not even in the same league.
Love the guitar! In a basswood guitar like the 650XLs you might want to try a Dimarzio super 3, that is what KN used to track the Demonoid album "Riders of the Apocalypse" and it is personally one of my favorite tones ever. Although it might not be what you want. Basswood is certainly trickier to get a good pickup with then other woods, but its not impossible. Although since the 650XLs are Maple NT its less of a factor anyways.

Now onto BKPs, I've owned 2 painkiller bridges/painkiller neck/coldsweat neck and here are the pros and cons (IMHO)

-Tim is great with customer service, all around great guy
-They offer some voicings that are far enough removed from models offered by the rest of the big 3 (EMG/Dimarzio/SD) that certain models might be worth it for you

-Heavily overhyped (especially by some sites/sectors of the internet), and with what they end up costing you in the US they aren't worth it at all IMO. The hype that they are better than EMG/Dimarzio/SD is just from idiots drinking the Kool-Aid. For any tone you can think of you can find a pickup from the big 3 that will sound as good as a BKP (and often better).
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Recording a Jackson USA Rhoads with a Painkiller in the bridge at the moment. Should have the CD out in a month or two.

So far it's somewhat interesting... it's a very chewy sounding pickup. Very mid-heavy. Not quite sure how it's going to want to play in a full mix environment, but it sounds fairly full by itself.

I don't buy into them beating out the big pickup manufacturers at all though. Give me an 85/707 any day and I'll be happy.
I had the painkiller in a ebony/mahogany/mahogany guitar and I felt like with a couple of tweaks it could have been a great pickup. It has the grind I like but the voicing isn't quite there IMO, a bit more treble would be awesome too. Although using it in a guitar with different woods could completely change my opinion of it.

Interested to hear your results Ermz!
Love them in my 7 string / Hate them in my 6 strings. If you want to stay passive and kick ass for me the only choices are Dimarzio Evolutions or Duncan JB's if you want thicker mids go JB's if you want more bite and more of a "lead" type lazer beam tone Evolutions.
BKPs are awesome. I have a set of Nailbombs in my Soloist and a Painkiller in the bridge of my Les Paul and they absolutely destroy EMG, Duncan, DiMarzio and the like, like... not even in the same league.

Bold statement.
I've tried Painkillers, Nailbombs, Warpigs, Aftermath...IN MY OPINION the only one of those which is usable for tight stuff is the aftermath, but even that is very muddy compared to EMGs or for example the SH15.

I think BKPs are AWESOME for sludge, doom etc, it's like they're made for that, but modern tight fast chugging? no way, at least not if you want a defined sound....I know, people seems to love these pickups in some forums, but I wouldn't read too much into it, there's an extreme hype around them..
I've made and posted blind tests on several occasions (EMG vs. BKP) and every time people said that the BKP (without knowing it's the BKP) sounds muddy as fuck, they automatically assumed that the tighter pickup is the BKP (because of the hype) and unleashed all their verbal hate against the muddy piece of shit that they thought was the EMG but that really was the BKP.
when I revealed the results the typical "yeah, you didn't set it up right" answers etc came of course.

if you try to ignore the hype that's being made around, HCAF etc around them and put them in a fair blind test you'll see that even their supposedly tightest pickups (painkiller, aftermath) are not tight at least not compared to an EMG.

the Aftermath still has a really nice smooth tone though, I DO like it a lot, just not for tight modern chugging....not saying it's not possible to record a good sounding clip with them (I've done it myself), but I just don't think it's the forte of BKP.
The Painkiller could sound nice if it didn't have that annoinf high mid fizz going on.
The Nailbomb and Warpig just sound like you're throwing a mud filled ballon against a carpet covered wall.
I've not tried the miravle man yet, people say it's great...but tbh I don't think I'll spend that much money for another BKP in my life.
so far the aftermath was the best BKP I owned, sounds nice....but stop saying BKP is tight compared to EMG!
I've tried a lundgren M7 which I really liked, but so far the best sounding passives I've heard are the Duncan SH15 and for mahogany guitars also the duncan SH6.

I am NOT trying to bash BKP, as I said, the aftermath sounds really good! Just not tight at all.
BKP also have a fantastic service, Tim is great...unfortunately there's no 30 days money back guarantee, so people automatically try to justify their purchase and keep repeating the same phrases that sold them on BKP in the first place...who wants to face the fact that that you've ust spent 170€ on a pickup that is about as tight as the stock pickup in epiphone les pauls? So of course the typical denial processes set in until they believe all that stuff themselves...and when they're confronted with a fair blind test they try to find excuses WHY the BKP sounds so much less tight than the EMG in the blind tests....
I't in to like BKP and it's uncool to dislike them.

-Tim is great with customer service, all around great guy
-They offer some voicings that are far enough removed from models offered by the rest of the big 3 (EMG/Dimarzio/SD) that certain models might be worth it for you

-Heavily overhyped (especially by some sites/sectors of the internet), and with what they end up costing you in the US they aren't worth it at all IMO. The hype that they are better than EMG/Dimarzio/SD is just from idiots drinking the Kool-Aid. For any tone you can think of you can find a pickup from the big 3 that will sound as good as a BKP (and often better).

this sums it up perfectly
I have a 650xl with a Ceramic Warpig in it and there is zero mud, really tight precise sound but still very touch sensitive. I'm actually chasing another 650 at the moment as a second guitar and I'll do the same thing with it.
Thanks guys! This is just the informative discussion about the matter that i wanted. I knew i can trust your opinions. I found a friend of mine that uses cold sweat pickups on his 6 string, gonna test 'em on my setup. Then there's the seymour duncan SH15 that became interesting. Gotta check those dimarzios also, i have always had a doubt against em. Gotta find some clips now! woop woop!
I have BKP's in my Les Paul. A pair of Nailbombs to be exact. Tone is lush as fuck. I could probably get a similar tone with other pickups, but ultimately, I found my tone in BKP's.

Not sure what you mean by "tight" Lasse... that's the problem with this discussion. Too subjective and people rely on descriptive words that mean very little. I have no fucking idea what tightness means in the context of a guitar pickup, but I have a fair idea of what it means in the context of guitar tone. In my opinion, tightness mostly comes from the amp and the signal chain.

Oh, and I'm not even registered at SS or HCAF, so please... no ad hominem ;)
Bold statement.
I've tried Painkillers, Nailbombs, Warpigs, Aftermath...IN MY OPINION the only one of those which is usable for tight stuff is the aftermath, but even that is very muddy compared to EMGs or for example the SH15.

I don't know how that could be true. Maybe your wiring was screwed up, or your amp setup sucked, because my BKPs are the clearest pickups I've ever played :err:
I don't know how that could be true. Maybe your wiring was screwed up, or your amp setup sucked, because my BKPs are the clearest pickups I've ever played :err:

yeah, that must be it :)
I've been servicing guitars foir a couple of years, have replaced about estimated 500 pickups in my life, so I guess the wiring is alright ;)

Amp setup might have been shit though, the only Amp I own (Crate GX15) sounds only good with EMG :D
Had the same experience with Nailbombs being loose as fuck - in that the low end was not tight or controlled, at all. Pretty mediocre output, too, definitely way more vintage than the advertising leads you to believe.

Didn't like the C-Pig I had either, and the Painkillers I've tried have been decently tight but very high-middy and scratchy in the top end.
Had the same experience with Nailbombs being loose as fuck - in that the low end was not tight or controlled, at all. Pretty mediocre output, too, definitely way more vintage than the advertising leads you to believe.

Didn't like the C-Pig I had either, and the Painkillers I've tried have been decently tight but very high-middy and scratchy in the top end.

you must be doing it wrong man, haven't you heard BKP are awesome???!!!!?
Yeah.. the thing is that i've been playing with EMG 81/85 set basically 13yrs now. At first steps i tried seymour duncan invaders but it just didn't please then, and when i got EMG 81 i was just blown and NEVER looked back, since now. Im trying not to be "DOLL" as they say EMG-81 is. Just wondering that are there really any passive pickups that has that clean palm mute clank and are not muddy and noisy as fuck. This is really interesting, im basically now getting more and more convinced to just stuff 81 on the bridge again :D
Try the 18v mod on the 81, putting the 85 in the bridge, or an 89 in the bridge if the 85 isn't tight enough.

I've modded all my 81's to 18v's and they have been awesome. I think this issue comes from me not been experimenting with different pickups enough. This "situation" is me just thinking outside the picture that am i loosing some kick ass passive pickups that people hype about.