Barlows return

Anyway, Iced earth's new album would've sounded great if what's-his-face didn't join. I mean, he even made judas priest sound bad. At any rate, I bet jon's pissed off about this.
Anyway, Iced earth's new album would've sounded great if what's-his-face didn't join. I mean, he even made judas priest sound bad. At any rate, I bet jon's pissed off about this.

this means war, civil war.
Anyway, Iced earth's new album would've sounded great if what's-his-face didn't join. I mean, he even made judas priest sound bad. At any rate, I bet jon's pissed off about this.
Bah, that's cheap. Tim Owens is a great vocalist, and he didn't make Priest sound bad at all. Demolition was a mediocre album, but that wasn't Owens' fault. And Jugulator is still a bomb of an album.
Owens has some talents, that's for sure. Barlow was good, but I got over him leaving music a while ago. It's inevitable he'd be back somewhere.
I saw iced earth in '03 I believe with evergrey and children of boredom. Ripper did this falsetto scream for almost a minute straight that almost blew out my eardrums. He's talented but not as unique as someone like barlow.
pyramaze isnt bad. theyre somewhere in the power metal genre between evergrey and maybe kamelot. clean vocals with high falsettos. definately well in the means of someone like barlow

im very happy to see his return. although id LOVE to see a question of heaven again with him \m/
I didn't say that he was untalented; I think he's amazing. I just don't like his voice. For instance, I think "twista" is a talented rapper, but I hate rap.
For those of you who have yet to check out Pyramaze, I'd highly recommend doing so. I think they're one of the best new Power Metal bands to come around in a long time. Both of their discs are equally impressive. The musicianship and the vocals are both superb.
