Barrack Exposed

Thanks, Jackass. Apparently you didn't read or watch anything. I guess the part that said he was down with smoking rock and sucking dick was completely lost on you. You, sir, get a medal for being the most brainless retard I've come across today.

Fucking Nazi sympathizers, I swear!

Zum Konzentrationslager mit Ihnen
Hi folks, long time lurker here. I only joined so I could post this link.

When I saw the title of this thread, ^ this is what I thought you guys were talking about.

Enjoy the link, the honorable Obama Hussein is screwed!

Well as much as I (as an European) don't want to see Obama as the next world's president, I don't know if there's any relevancy to this video. I mean ANY guy can sit next to the camera and talk a story about how he sucked the possible next president's cock. Hell, maybe I could do that, too.
After the way republicans botched things up, I can't vote republican this time. I'm not thrilled with Clinton or Obama either, but Obama seems like the lesser of 2 evils. I guess I'll vote independent like I did for Perot in 92'. Maybe, we'll have better candidates in 2012.
Yes, I know that person was a volunteer. I already stated my point, even if that person was a volunteer, I feel if she wanted to display a flag, it should have been an american flag. Obama is running for the presidency of the United States, not running against Castro to be the next president of Cuba.

Perspective. Maybe they were making the statement of 'Cubans supporting Obama'. The point is that it's a silly issue to care what some volunteer has sitting on their desk. If it was a pro-Hitler poster or something offensive, I could see taking issue with it, but a foreign flag?