Bash my song: "Speak"

Hey Greg, first off, the guitar tone is pretty god for a GT-8, but still a bit harsh in the upper mids (not so much that it has too much of 'em, the character is just a bit grating to my ears). Also, the kick is kinda "tick tick tick," not my favorite sound (but I've yet to hear any kick sounds I liked from S2.0). Also, it seems like there's some pumping going on with the drums, I'm guessing you have a master bus compressor going on, and it's kinda going apeshit (and distorting everything a bit, especially the cymbals); maybe increasing the attack and release times a tad and/or reducing the ratio (hard to tell without knowing the settings) would help. Cool drum programming too, but as for the, not for me (reminds me of the singer Bulb had for his OMNOM thing). Pretty cool song otherwise though!
This song was from a while ago, around 8 months. It's a done thing, but I wanted to see if people were picking up on the same stuff as I was.

The GT-8 can do some cool things, the guitar ended up alright I suppose.

I know my singing isn't for everyone, but at least I stayed in tune :rock:
Sounds pretty cool, but as mentioned above the kick is squashing the rest of the mix. You can hear it specially on the 1:07 part.

And I must say your falsetto is in tune but you grow tired of it very fast. You should learn to use falsetto only in really high notes and let the real voice do the rest of the job.
I like the clarity of the mix, except for the bass drum as mentioned by others.

Maybe you could use the current vocal in the background and have a double of yourself not singing falsetto and only
use falsetto when you need too.

Other than that i think it sounds good!
I don't sing falsetto, none of the singing on this particular tune is. I'm a natural Mezzo Tenor. Don't believe me, P.M. me for my phone number.