Some new songs (Gearbox / Slate)


Aug 28, 2006
I have been doing some songs for custom maps for the game Unreal Tournament 3, kind of my new hobbie. This one is new, and there´s this one that I made for a zombie mod.

Also tracked a demo for a Bush cover band, here.

All guitars and bass are Line6 Gearbox with LPF and HPF and drums are Slate 2.0.
Is gearbox the software that comes with the PODXT or is it a totally seperate bit of kit?

This thread is kind of old. Glad you liked it : )
Yes, Gearbox is the software that comes with POD XT, Toneport and pretty much all Line 6 products. The difference is that I use the VST plugin version. It has the exact same tones, but it allows me to record only the dry track and then tweak the tone at will (like reamp). BTW, if you have a PODxt I can send you the patch that I used on guitars (I don´t use any post processing after Gearbox, only the hi pass and low pass filters).

If I was in the WWE, Plutonium would be my theme

LOL Thanks! I love the feeling of these "songs to destroy stuff".
Haha well I ask because my friend has a POD he dosent use so I was curious if I could nabb it for some of those tones :P Yeah that bass sounds really nice! I struggle to get a bass sound I actually like, not having a real bass amp. Loving the feel, esp on Plutonium! Did you use any post processing with those Slate samples? Or anything on the master bus? Sounds really well done dude!
yea def would not mind having the pod patch and i should try the gearbox plug myself. Is is a free download when you have the pod xt?
I doubletrack the guitars and hard pan (one take 100% to the left and the other 100% to the right). I copy the bass track on two channels (one for the low end and the other for the growl).
Here are the patches and low pass filter and high pass filters settings of each channel (I use the Nuendo built-in EQ for the filters).

Guitars: G-CO Triple 1
HPF: 100 hz
LPF: 12 Khz

Bass Low: B-CO Low 1
HPF: 30 hz
LPF: 200 hz

Bass Growl: B-CO Growl 1
HPF: 200 hz
LPF: 12 Khz

The drums are Steven Slate Drums´s Black Kit preset with a GVST GClip on the snare just to cut the peaks. On the master bus I use a Waves SSL G-Comp Stereo and a Waves L2. It´s a very simple setup, but I´m still working on it. I´ll try to get a good bass tone with just one track : )

BTW I use two EMG 35DC on the bass and a EMG 81 (bridge) on the guitar, so if the patches doesn´t sound exactly like on the record the problem may be the pickups.
Nice one dude cheers, so are the drums DFHS with the black kit samples on or you using some other sampler, sounds like Slate cymbals too?
Nice one dude cheers, so are the drums DFHS with the black kit samples on or you using some other sampler, sounds like Slate cymbals too?

The drums are Steven Slate 2.0 Black Kit preset loaded on Kontakt 3. I only put a GVST Gclip limiter to cut the higher snare peaks (Gain: 0, Threshold: 50%, Softness: 0, Oversample: ON). This way the overal mix doesn´t hit the master stereo bus compressor so hard.

Anyway, as I´ve said, these recordings are a bit old, now I´m messing with the Steven Slate Drums 2.01. He revised the levels on the presets, put some multiple outs for the DAW and fixed a major hihat bug. I´m also working on a better bass tone without have to divide it into two tracks. When I get all these things done maybe I can make a video tutorial or PDF with all the settings if you wish. I´m focused on make a decent nuendo project preset for my records. I´m really tired of new plugins, equipment and techniques. Just want to keep it as simple as it can get and still have usable results. You know, I don´t need the best tones in the world, I need just enough for people bang their heads and enjoy the feeling of the song.