Another new song - Slate drums and Line 6 content


Jan 31, 2006
Don't know what got into me, but I've been craving to write new material and that's what I've been doing. Actually programmed some ok beats on this one.

Here's another one with my recent Line 6 Gearbox VST setup and DFHS/Slate drums. Bass is SVX VST and Gearbox combined.

I'm really liking the tones I'm getting with Gearbox, its so much easier to dial in with reamping than using printed tracks from the PODxt alone.

How's the overall quality of the mix? I think I want to use this mix as a template for all the rest of my songs. Thoughts?

Click here

The one titled "Wake Darker Skies"

Edit: just threw another new song up there called "Inside". Real drums on this one and a little different mastering EQ. The mp3 hiss in present in this one, however.

Click HERE
...for POD patch, Curve EQ and Marquis compressor banks

The file called "Splat88.rar"

See post below for instructions
Splat88, you can use this mix template for the rest of your fuckin life.
It´s awesome!!!

Would you give more details about what did you use on this template (plugins chain, master, etc)?
Congratulations for the tone.
Fucking hell, that sounds ridiculously good! I can't believe those guitars are completely in the box! That's NUTS!

I assume the Gearbox plug was worth it? Did you opt for the Silver or Gold?
nice mix splatt......awesome

explain more about Line 6 Gearbox VST setup and ur method????
I'm interested in this cause i own a pod xt .....And im looking to do what you are talking about......i love the thing and i can get some good sounds out of it.....but i wish i didnt have to print it down.....i wish i could get an xt pro but its a little pricey right now and i have other equipment needed before kinda new when it comes to reamping ....i know the concept....but im curious step by step how you did it....
Just posted the POD patches and Curve EQ stuff up top.

4 tracks of guitar total.

The "Wake Darker Skies TS9" guitars have 2 performances, one 100% left and one 100% right. I boosted with a real TS9 tubescreamer, gain 0, tone 1:00, level 11:00. Then treat these guitars with the Curve EQ patch supplied, then with the marquis compressor. The attack and release should be at the lowest possible values and adjust threshold to reduce palm mutes my a few dbs.

The other POD patch has no VST effects running. 2 performances again, panned 88% left and right. Volume about 1 db lower than the TS9 patch.

On a side note, the distortion for the bass guitar is the same patch just mentioned high passed at 700hz and low passed at 5000hz with a Q10. Then limit it to your heart's content. The high end bass distortion is adding a lot of mids to the overall sound. The bottom portion is the SVX plugin on the "High Gain 1" preset, then EQ'ed, compressed and limited quite heavily.

Simply amazing!

I always keep thinking splatt is a pro in a studio somewhere in vegas pulling our legs for fun... all sounds so clear, bass is unreal, that snare pops through like a madman, and the guitars sound good as always, beyond good if you think about it, it's still the line 6 gear you are working with, which you make sound better then anyone else.

Kudos Matt!
Bah ESnips is being gheigh - let me download the Marshall Impulses but prompts me to register every time I try to download the Splat file, even though I'm already registered.


Nevermind, it works! Thanks!
holy shiznit. the bass! wow! sounds HUGE. mix is perfect. guitar tone sounds very tubey. drums sound stellar, bit much reverb for my taste, but the tone is great. everything sounds clear and cuts well. my hats off to you man! great stuff.
Thanks for the kind words gentlemen! Your opinions mean a lot to me. I really want to put out a CD within the next year or two with all these songs I have....there's still a million more I have not yet recorded. Now that I've got a decent template I just need to get my two singers to get off their asses and record vocals and my drummer to do his Roland TD20 beats. Its hard because we're all busy and have little time to work on this stuff. My name is Matt, one singer is named Matt, the drummer is named Matt and the other singer is Jake. To compound the problem, each one of us lives in a different state, Nevada, Utah, Arizona and California so we're swapping files over the internet. To make matters even worse, the two singers are completely computer retarded as far as DAWs are concerned so lord knows if we'll ever get this crap done. Its a shame though because Matt and Jake both have amazing vocal abilities. Oh how I miss the good ol' days when we actually played live.

And holy shit, my wife is expecting our first child sometime next week! I hope I still get to have some music time!