Bass Amps!


Sep 7, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Hey guys,

I just joined a rock band as the bass player (I've been playing guitar for 9 years, started bass last year), and now I need to buy equipment.
I was initially planning on getting just a Sansamp Bass Driver to play live and run it through the PA, but apparently most places have shit sound systems and you can't hear yourself on stage.

So I've been looking for low-end bass amps, like the Gallien Krueger MB115, the Ampeg BA series, some Ashdowns, etc etc.

So my main question would be: how many fucking watts do I need.

Searching on the interwebs has provided answers ranging from 0 to over 9000 watts. I need to be heard over drums and one guitar player, in a medium sized venue. I was shooting for 200watts, but some people seem to be saying this might be cutting it close.

Also, if anyone has any experience with the mentioned amps, or other suggestions, please share! Also, my budget would be around 500$.
200 is a bit on the low side. I played with an Ashdown AMB500 4x10 combo. Delivers just over 300w into the 4x10 cab ( 8 ohms ). that was good enough for most venues. but I wouldn't want to go any lower than that.

If you have a scooped mid bass sound you will need much more. Like double.
You basically need to get as many watts as possible. I would avoid Ashdown as they tend to be unreliable tbh. Peavey amps are relatively cheap and pretty loud.
I've actually been very impressed by the Line 6 Lowdown amps.
A cheap but effective option would be to look at something like the Tech 21 VT Deluxe (a 3-channel SVT emulation preamp) and run that into a power amp. I think my total cost was $400 or so, and it gave me 1000W into 4ohm which was pretty damn good for my SVT 8x10. I've since got an SVT-CL, but for the bang for buck, weight and low profile look - the Tech 21 VT Deluxe paired with a power amp is hard to beat.

Not to mention it gives you two banks of 3 tones each. So 6 different bass tone options is pretty chill. I got mine setup from clean and round, to a bit of dirt and grind, and then a full on burned up fuzz sound.
A cheap but effective option would be to look at something like the Tech 21 VT Deluxe (a 3-channel SVT emulation preamp) and run that into a power amp. I think my total cost was $400 or so, and it gave me 1000W into 4ohm which was pretty damn good for my SVT 8x10. I've since got an SVT-CL, but for the bang for buck, weight and low profile look - the Tech 21 VT Deluxe paired with a power amp is hard to beat.

Not to mention it gives you two banks of 3 tones each. So 6 different bass tone options is pretty chill. I got mine setup from clean and round, to a bit of dirt and grind, and then a full on burned up fuzz sound.

I did this using a Line 6 bass pod pro. Got a Peavey CS800. very good solution indeed. Had mine plugged into an SWR Goliath Snr.
Necro thread update!

I finally got the GK MB210 two weeks ago and it's really amazing! I haven't had the chance to test it out a loud levels yet but so far I'm very satisfied. If anyone wants more impressions or clips or anything just PM me and I'll be glad to help.