Bass: Bridge (surface) Loading vs. Thru Body...


Frozen Sun Audio
Nov 19, 2010
Just restrung my bass for the first time and also just realized afterward that I have the option of using either surface loading or thru body stringing with this model. This bass came strung from the bridge from factory, so without even thinking that's how I strung it up, just wondering if anyone prefers one way over the other. I know that going thru body on a guitar means more resonance, but I'm new to bass so I'm pondering if maybe more resonance is not always a good thing with bass... maybe surface loading gives a spankier tone?
Anybody? Thought I may not have been clear, so if something needs clarification, just ask.
Well try them both and see which way you prefer...

There are just too many other variables.

On my Squire PJ bass, I drilled through the bridge to make it string thru and it sounds way better! However, I like it better for smoother bass stuff. But on my Lakland, I prefer to string it just via the bridge, it gives it a bit more attack.

So it really all depends on the sound, the woods, the neck, how it is attached etc. Then of course your playing style, the tone you are going for, etc.

In metal it seems like bass is so often an afterthought or played by the weakest guitar player. But I find that only to be true until you actually work with a great bass player with great tone. Then the game changes significantly and all the little things begin to matter.