Bass cab impulses

I have a few SVT impulses actually...not sure what cab they're through (some Ampeg I would assume) but they sound pretty rockin'! Check my folder on the ftp in a bit (currently uploading at a pitifully slow speed)
Also check the newly created "Impulses" folder on the ftp. I put some bass cab impulses there as well. May even be some of the same ones.
Can someone link me to the folder on the ftp for these bass impulses, i cant seem to get to it
Anyone know of any Mesa Bass cab impulses preferably 4X10 free or commercial? Or maybe someone is willing to make some :D. Been searching for a while but haven't been able to find any so far :(. Any help is greatly appreciated.
From noisevault site:

If you have come seeking the impulse responses that were hosted on this site for years, fear not! They will be returning to this new layout in time.
Anyone got another link?