Bass: impulses or just Ampeg SVX?

Jan 10, 2011
I'm trying to get a half decent bass tone, but I can't quite get something I like. I was wondering how most of you that don't have cabs do it. Are you using Ampeg SVX's impulses or external impulses + SVX cabs (or whatever other amp sim you may like)?
Try using a sansamp INFRONT of svx... Works magic. I didn't like the pluging at first either, but a few tweaks, and knowing how to dial in a good bass tone--- It'll work amazing wonders.
I really don't like SVX to be honest. Too warm and round sounding. Much prefer using the Sansamp plugin or the bass models in POD Farm.
But do you use anything as a cab sim or you just throw in the sansamp?
Try using a sansamp INFRONT of svx... Works magic. I didn't like the pluging at first either, but a few tweaks, and knowing how to dial in a good bass tone--- It'll work amazing wonders.
Gonna try that. What cab do you use in SVX?
I don't recommend IR's on bass. Never really worked that well TBH.
What do you use?