Bass Cab Recommendations


Santa Hat Forever
So I just bought a Peavey FireBass 700 head from Jevil, and need to find a decent cab to mix it up with. It´s my first time owning separate head/cab amp instead of Combos, so I have no experience with this.

I´m looking for something really cheap and won´t be able to buy it just now anyway, but even when I get the money in a couple months it´ll have to be very little, like no more than 250 euros. So I´ve been looking in Thomman and find a few 1x15, 2x10 and even some 4x10 that might fit my budget (although the 4x10s are a bit of a stretch), I just don´t see the possibility of testing them and don´t really have an idea about how they could sound with it, I´m thinking probably I could find some impulses of bass cabs and at least make myself an idea by trying them out in a DAW (cause the head has a line out)?

What general difference in tone can I get between a 1x15 and a 2x10? I´m guessing the 15 will sound bassier/darker cause of the bigger speaker? Can I get some pointers here please?

I´m seeing Gallien Krueger Backline series is really cheap, in both formats, has anybody tried these? with peavey heads?
I've always liked the GK heads, the cabs not so much. They have a flat woofy kind of sound, though I haven't tried their new neodiums yet. In a 4x10 I'd find a used Hartke. It's not necessarily true that a x15 will be darker than a x10 cab. The Demeter and Eden 15s are brilliant top to bottom and the Carvin combo 15s are very very good. Also look for used SWR.
The original Firebass 700 came with Peavey 1x15 and 4x10 and sounded awesome.
I would start with a 4x10, don't know about brands or prices but my bassist play with an Ampeg cab, and sounds very well.
Lol Anssi dude how do you expect me to carry that to rehearsals and gigs when needed? I don´t have a car, let a lone a pickup truck hahaha

Actually I´m leaning towards mucky´s idea, from a few reviews I´ve read of the Firebass it seems to work best with Peavey Cabs (which is pretty logical), plus a 2x10 is manageable enough to carry around. Maybe add up another 2x10 later or a 1x15.

I´ll still be on the lookout for used cabs in my budget though, like an Ampeg
Didn´t get it

i just don't understand why people always suggest shit that's out of people's stated budget range

i can see if it's like $10-20 difference or whatever...but for a lot of people, $150 is significant enough a difference to make it impossible
Peavey cab's are actually pretty solidly built imo. My bass player used to use a Peavey Max 450 with a Peavey 4x10" and 2x10". Sounded good.

Personally I'd go for a 2/4x10" over a 1x15" as 10" speakers seem to react alot faster and come across as being much clearer and punchier.