Bass drum technique...

I'm not sure, to be honest. I guess it's just easier to tap your toes when your heals aren't grounded!
first work on technique, basically for lack of better terms pratice yoru fuckin ass off till it sounds good. Then start incorporating beats with it. YOu can do bass drum drills, like single, double, and triple strokes. First do single strokes, one-one. Then double, like left two right two, and so on. So an example for double stroke would be left foot twice, then right foot twice, that shit is hard to keep up with good rhythm. After you get technique down, work on speed. Pound away till your feet die so you can build up stamina. Oh yeah.............. rock on man, nothing like sweet double bass to keep you going. if you want to buy an insturctional video go to virgil donati's website. he is the god of double bass.
Cool, I've been practicing rudiments like hell with my feet - paradiddles, flams, single double triple etc. strokes up to nines.. all the rudiements I could find in any of my books ;) I'm working on using double bass drums in simple beats nexy.. I'm more worried about technique than speed, si I'll work on that last :)