Bass guitar in mix


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Ok, so I'm doing a mix right now, the bass sounds great when the guitars palm mute, but during chords the bass sort of looses it's "grunt" anyone else have this problem? And also anyone have any tips to help with this?
Hmm, what went through the limiter? If you're limiting bass it might just be a better idea to throw a proper distortion straight into the chain (as limiter -> drive sounds pretty artificial most of the time I've heard it) instead of that.


here's an example, the intro doesn't have that much grunt, but then during the palm mutes it sounds awesome.

Just a question. Did you use a hard pick/ pick at all? Also where you pick helps, in my exp right in the middle of the bridge and neck pickups. Also active pickups help. Also how you record it helps. Adding slight drive helps (although I find I could take/leave it) same goes for q to bring out that bitchin ping your after. You could also try double tracking it, adding drive to one and leaving the other clean (had good results with this).

BTW I hear it at the begining, but I would just find a way to q it better within the mix or automate it's volume. Just my opinion.

What were you using to capture this equipment wise?