Bass Head: PF-500 or SVT-7 PRO?


Jan 29, 2013
I've tried both and they both sound really amazing. But I'm still not sure which one to buy, because I'm not really sure how both'll perform in a live situation.
The PF-500 delivers a 500 Watt of power at 4 ohms (300 Watts at 8 ohm), the SVT-7 PRO 1000 Watts at 4 ohm (600 at 8 ohm).
I'm going to buy an Ampeg PF 410 hlf cabinet which has a nominal impedance of 8 ohms.
So the PF-500 would deliver 300 Watt and the SVT-7 600 Watts.

Is 300 Watt enough power for bass on stage? (I'm playing small/ medium sized gig).

Thanks in advance!
I'd go with the 7. I know class D is all the rage, but IMO the watts don't translate the same way. I had an SVT-3 pro for years and thought is was a great head. On an aside I bought it used, owned it for 8 years (toured it for 5) and then sold it for more than I paid.
I have the pro 4, heard the 7 is similar tone wise, just a little less power (still gets quite loud) and a LOT more lightweight.

My experience is that it is crystal clear if you're playing clean stuff. You won't get any gritty tones out of it unless you get some overdrive, distortion, ect. pedal.
Biased I guess, but that's my vote!
if the svt 7 is anything like the main channel on the svt 5 then i would totally buy that, we have a svt5 at the studio and its the second most used bass head, after our ampeg v4