Bass Help

off the top of my head...
learn the names of your strings, and start learning the names of the notes on the fretboard...
for a few weeks, every day, play every E on the neck, then every F#, will know all the notes
decide if you want to practice more with a pick or your fingers, and start playing that way
find a local band you like, and hit up the bass player for stuff
learn some easy songs and have fun...
Here's how I started to learn guitar (after I got bored with tab). I just started noodling around on the neck in different keys. One day I'd play in C the next in A etc. etc. I just slowly move up and down the neck playing on every string in that particular key (not playing anything in particular either, just playing). But don't just learn patterns. Actually know the name of the note you are playing before you hit the next note.

Don't burn yourself out on this though. I wouldn't recommend more than an hour a day on scales. Learn some songs to play. Either by someone showing you, by ear, or tablature. Don't get to caught up in tab though. It is very easy to get caught up learning songs with tab forgetting all about learning your instrument.

Once you get a good feel for your fretboard then I would start digging deeper into what the bass can do. I'm not much of a bass player so I can't really help you out there, but definitely know your notes.
Can you be a bit more specific?

Where exactly are you having trouble?

I would definately recommend you take some lessons,especially if you don't have any experience with playing an instrument, so you'll learn the basics.
If you have any ideas on what to start learning or exercises to learn. I started on those starter books and they suck. I recently started tabs but from what I hear they're all wrong. Also if you know any good tab sites let me know.
Thanks for the pointers so far they've been helpful.:D