Vocal mixing techniques


groove junkie
Feb 11, 2006
This is something I was never taught and I have been trying to learn how to mix vocals correctly in with the rest of the music. I just can't seem to nail it. Any tips or help?
I'm not sure how advanced you are so I'm not sure if this will be of any help but I'll try my best. I think one of the most important thing when it comes to recorded vocals is doubletracking - or multitracking I should say. When someone single tracks vocals it makes the listener feel very cramped and uncomfertable. It feels like its you and the vocalist in the same room and he's singing AT you. Multitracking makes the listener feel much more comfertable because it has a similar effect to reverb - it sounds like multiple people are singing it and gives much more atmosphere to the over all sound. But just like the verb its easy to overdo it. Also I find that I tend to mix the vocals too high on my initial attempt. I constantly need to remind myself "yes I know what the guitar sounds like because I've heard it before but the listener hasn't" (I'm not sure if that last sentence made any sense at all) But you want to mix the volume so its about the same level. I hope this was of some help.