Vocal techniques for Heavy Metal singing.


Whispering Forest
Feb 22, 2003
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Hi everyone.:wave:
I have just started to learn Heavy Metal singing,but it is hard for me
cause I have no one to teach me some Vocal techniques.
On many of your threads I`ve seen that Metal singing needs very careful
practising like:How you breath,keeping the head up and the plexus
(diaphragme).I need some advice wich can make my singing easyer,I`m
mostly practising the techniques of Sonata Arctica & Symphony X.
This needs very atention ofcourse,so any of your help will be very

Thank you for exepting my Message!
Thank you Feanor.But my problem is that I havent been on music academy or something like it.
I am only practising the singing at home,like,turn the
music on (very loud) and I repeat the tones of the singer.Its hard,cause I dont know wich parts are singed on Chest voice,or Head voice?
So you have to give me a litle bit bigger and logical explanation :)

Thank you.
You haven't been in an academy eh? hehe... I haven't been in one either, i'm pretty much self taught :p Like Feanor said: read that thread thoroughly, that should get you started.

Its hard,cause I dont know wich parts are singed on Chest voice,or Head voice?

You don't really need to know wich parts are sung in head or chest voice, what you need to know is what's head voice. When you learn that, you can figure out by yourself what parts you need to sing in head voice and what parts you need to sing in chest voice. I posted a clip where you can get a pretty good idea of what head voice is.

(oh and Feanor, i'll answer your question when I get back from band practice)

NP: Terror 2000 - Burn Bitch Burn!
(very loud)

Don't do that. You won't really be able to hear yourself and you will also be trying to sing way to loud.

Also you might want to check this out.

For someone who is an extreme newbie to singing, myself included, this is a pretty good read. Actually, even if you don't want to learn how to sing it's pretty interesting. They interview a bunch of metal guys and a couple of the chicks, in that book.