Bass Newbie Progress


go shag ur camel
Feb 14, 2002
Branford, CT
It's been over three months since I've started playing, and I've made a vow to myself to play with my entire right hand before I take lessons. So far it's going along quite well, my ring finger is beginning to feel quite natural, playing lots of Rush and Maiden with triplets will do that. The hard part will definitely be playing with my pinky, I'm afraid of breaking the damn thing.
This is so exciting, and the best is only yet to come!:headbang:
Yeah dude, that's great!!!

When we start playing we evolute so fast!!! But what you have to do is to keep the rhythm always, try to practice on a regular basis, this will help you a lot...

Unhappily I can't practice every day... I wish I could... Too few time... wake up 7am, go to work, till 6.30pm, then go to school (that begins 7.30pm), then get home by 11.45pm or midnight... That sucks...