Romeo's fingers

Poof Daddy

I'm back
Jan 17, 2004
I would like to know how exactly all of the fingers on his left hand are completely independent from eachother. He can play anything and the fingers he isnt using just sit there right above the strings. When i curl my ring finger my pinky will curl up too. I know that wont be cured by normal practice considering paul gilbert and john petrucci still do it and have been playing forever. I even taped my pinky to my ring finger and played with 3 fingers yesterday hoping that my pinky would learn something but it didnt. Also if i play something like 2h4h5p4p2h4... over and over again for like a minute straight my middle finger will curl up and end up aching from trying to curl itself up so hard. So does anyone know anything i can practice to try and fix this, because nomatter how slow i go it still happens.
I've never had that problem. I've always been able to move my ring fingers and get no movement from my pinkies... So I can't really give you advice on how to be able to do it cause I didn't do shit
Just try doing it slowly while being relaxed. Thats whats most important for me, being relaxed when trying to learn something new. If you're tense when trying to do someting new, you're going to wind up having problems due to discomfort. Try doing that while practicing slowly in order to get it memorized. I don't know if you tried that yet, you said you have tried doing it slowly, but also try to be relaxed. Thats the best advice I can give. I had the same problem with my left hand fingers when playing for a while until I just took it slowly and did it while remaining relaxed.
Finger independance is something you have to work at. I was the same way untill I learned and practiced my ass off.

Here is some advice-
-Relax your fretting hand. you should be using enough pressure to fret the note, but not a huge amount.
-when you learn something, play it slowly and concentrate in keeping your fingers under control. Ideally, you are aiming to keep all of your fingers around a half inch from the fretboard when you are not using them.
-do things like the 1-2-3-4 excersize(if you have not done this, it's 1-2-3-4 on the low E with your four fingers, go up the strings doing the same, move up a fret, go down 5-4-3-2 from high E to low E, move up a fret, 3-4-5-6 up the strings, etc) , going slowly focusing on keeping control of your finger, accuracy and hand relaxation.