Bass Player New to Metal


New Metal Member
May 31, 2014
Hi Im pretty new to metal music but have started learning the Kill 'em All album.
Any recommendations on albums to draw inspiration from? Thanks!

Recorded a metal(ish) bass jam the other day. Bass solo 1min in.
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Kill 'em all and other early Metallica albums are a great way to learn metal. What style of metal do you ultimately want to play? That's where you should focus your learning. I would say continue learning all the 80s metallica albums, then learn something like Slayer's reign in blood (still simple, just fast) and then branch out into the style you most want to learn.
You are on the right track like the other guy said -- Metallica stuff straight forward to learn at first. You look like you're having a good time just playing which is obviously critical.

Find the music like the most and learn it and play along with it to get your basic chops up. That way you can enjoy listening to it and work on your chops at the same time.

Guitar pro is great to learn tracks and loop stuff, you probably already have it.