Bass Pre-amp / DI listening test


Crimson King
Oct 16, 2004
Hi everybody. Here is a little listening test I put together from a comparison site. It's too bad that for every preamp they played the riff again. All riffs are played on the same bass though: a Sadowsky 5-stringed jazz bass.

Which of these sounds do you like best? Of course one winner is cool, but if you have some remarks on each sound that would be great!

actually i was having GAS for a new head, when i made the comparison myself i found that the one i wanted sounded the best actually. When I gave this blind test to our guitarist and to Unicorn from UM forum they agreed. We'll see how you do :D

download the test:
they all sound good, I like 8 the best, but I'm a bassist and I've gotta admit I like my tone a tad more agressive... :)
ok cool

i actually liked 2 best as well, so i bought it today haha. hope it gets to me well :( 2nd hand import f rom the US

it's an aguilar db659 pre

8 is a sadowsky DI box