Bass solo in The Lotus Eater?


Jul 28, 2008
right outside Oslo, Norway
I was just listening to the song and I noticed something I hadn't before, oddly. It sounds like there is a bass interplaying with the electric piano or whatever the keyboard instrument it is that plays that weird funk-jazz solo. Am I wrong??
There are always awesome bass lines hidden under the layers, if you listen closely. But other than that, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Umm well... a bass solo? Are you sure? Put the exact length and time in the song, so everyone can listen to it.

I thought there was just ONE such solo in the song.:rolleyes: I thought you'd all know what I am talking about. But I guess not. It comes just before the last lines that are sung in the song. Dont know the exact time and right now can't bother to look it up.:p
i think ure mistaking an ordinary (but good) bass riff for a solo. also, the the keyboard thingy is more of a melody/riff that is repeated and neither that a solo.
It took you this long to notice the bass during that part? The bass is one of the most up front parts of that section (besides the keys).
I was just listening to the song and I noticed something I hadn't before, oddly. It sounds like there is a bass interplaying with the electric piano or whatever the keyboard instrument it is that plays that weird funk-jazz solo. Am I wrong??

There's some funky bass combining with the drums to put some awesome groove on the SNES keyboards. Nothing complicated, just the right notes at the right places (and the right spaces - what you don't play is more important than what you do play!) for a tasty end result.

I love that part.
And the winner of the Biggest Incomprehensible Douche Of The Opeth Board award 2009 is....
