Bass Sound!


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008
Hey can anyone help me I really want the bass sound in the following clip 0:19
Can Anyone Help me get this sound It doesn't have to be precise but I really like the sound. I have a Ibanez GSR200 4-String Bass "I'm saving for a Schecter Stiletto" going to a Behringer BX4500H Ultrabass Bass Head into a Behringer ULTRABASS BA810 Bass Cabinet. So should I be able to get that type of Sound through what I have or do need some effects?
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There isn't really anything very mystical about achieving that tone. Getting a nice bass and having new strings will get you pretty close to that sound with a just a plain ol' DI signal. If you're talking about through an amp though, for concerts and band practice and such, the Behringer bass amp stuff is some of the worst you can get. There's a reason that the Behringer 8x10 cab is less than half the cost of the Ampeg one- cheap bad speakers, bad wood (the type and thickness), etc... I'm not trying to bash on your rig, but it's really a case of "You get what you pay for".
If you just keep asking "can you" on the forums and actually don't "try if you can", then I would say "no".

WELL I actually did try before I even started this thread or else I wouldn't have posted it I only asked to see if it was even possible so.... If its not than I'll probably looking to buy a new amp but if it is than there is no reason to change now is there.
Ampeg 8x10

Damn, I used almost this same rig (I had an Ampeg 6x10) for about 5 years.

Warwicks have a very unique tone, especially if it has the stock MEC pickups.

I'd say forget about the Schecter and start looking for a used Warwick Thumb Bolt-on. I've seen those go for $600 used. Then dump the Behringer head and start looking for used Ampeg head, a 3Pro will get you reasonably close, and can be had pretty cheaply used.
Warwick basses are indeed nice, but I've noticed that the necks tend to be a little thick. I'm a guitarist, so I don't have any really huge bass preferences, but Schecter makes some good quality stuff, so I don't think you necessarily have to give up on the Schecter idea....just get something above entry level- you will be pleased that you did in the long run. As for the amp and really should ditch 'em when you have enough cash to get something else. Get a new bass, put brand new strings on it, and then go back to your rig with it and play with the settings. It will undoubtedly sound better with the new bass guitar, but like I said- that Behringer stuff is trash and is only making your tone worse. If you don't have enough money to throw down on a new amp and cab, then I suppose you could try to put some kind of cheap graphic EQ in the FX loop (if that amp has one) so you can sculpt the tone out a little more...but that would still sound like crap compared to a better rig and would merely be an attempt at working around a crappy amp, when an amp should actually be working FOR you and not against you.
Get rid of the Ibanez. I used to own a GSR300, biggest piece of crap ever for recording. Nice little bass live for house parties and what not where you don't want to take the good stuff. I would reinforce what others have said. Look at a used Warwick, or even an ESP LTD (better than the 200 series). Then get rid of the Behringer head and cab. Get a used Ampeg, SWR, Eden, or Gallien-Krueger, and get an Ampeg 4X10. You won't need 8 speakers until you're playing really big, really loud outdoor shows. Also the biggest tone help will be the Sansamp BDDI once you've got a good bass going in.
IMHO, the smallest variable in the equation for bass tone is the bass itself...i've been getting decent - not great, but decent - tone out of a $50 lyon bass lately. and for those who keep track, yes, those are the shit-cheap washburn off-brand that they sell at target/wal-mart...i won't even get into how i ended up with it, i just did, and i use it because it's here

anyways - the essential tone of the bass will come from your fingers. i sold my fender jazz bass to my wife's little cousin a few years ago, and was over at their house recently, and 1 of his friends was jamming on it...and to be honest, i couldn't believe how shitty the thing sounded in his hands. he was pretty new to playing, so i was cutting him some slack there, but still - the sound i was hearing was total shit, and sounded nothing like it does in the hands of a good players.

after your fingers, your amp/cab/DI/whatever is going to make the 2nd biggest difference. if your shit isn't up to snuff in this category, you probably won't get the results you're looking for. typically shit that says ampeg and gallien-krueger will give you what you're looking for...and shit that starts with "beh" won't.

edit: i've also heard some older peavey bass heads that will rock your ass, and can be had for shit cheap used.