Bass strings for recording recommendations

i like d'addario steels. they don't maintain their attack for more than a week or 2 in my experience, but they sound awesome for those 1st 2 weeks. I used to like DR high beams, but i find they have a strange upper mid range. Kinda unpleasant.
I like Warwick Black Labels and D'Addario Pro Steel most from all the strings that I've tried through the years. The Warwick's have a bit more body to them but when playing with the fingers it might be a little too much for metal.
DR High Beams for fingers....nice bite in the upper mids without sounding 'honky'.

They're a bit OTT for pick style playing when they're *really* brand new so I tend to track any finger style stuff first to deaden 'em up a slight bit.
I use GHS Super Steels or DM Hi-Beams if I'm going to play fingerstyle. I will not put nickelwound strings on my bass unless I'm going to use a pick and I do have to change the Nickel strings much more often.

I can get probably 12-15 hours of playing on steelwound before I start getting bummed about the sound and about 10 hours of playing on Nickel. It's a little longer in the fall/winter because there's less sweat/humidity.

If you play one outside show with a set of strings and it's damp/humid, it will usually kill them IMO. If they're brand new you might get a little more tread out of them but dampness/contamination really takes the zing out.

The rule of thumb is if you keep saying, "man, what happened? why does this not sound good today?" it's probably time to change the strings.
D'Addario's or DR Hi Beams . I have to admit that the D'Addario's last a bit longer and seem to be slightly brighter where as the DR's remove alot of fret and pick sound they both suit different basses in my arsenal.