Bass Suggestions?


Chris Cauthen
Jul 9, 2007
So I have always been a bass player but haven't picked one up to play seriously in years. I have a Washburn T25 bass that I record with but am seriously unhappy with it. Tone sucks, wont properly slap. Doesnt feel good in my hands. Im just unhappy with it.

Im looking for a quality instrument. It will be used primarily for funk / slapping but also need one that will work for metal . 4 String preferably. My budget is $1400.

Ive been looking at a

Warwick Corvette Standard
Music Man Stingray
Schecter Stiletto Studio

You guys have some more suggestions?
onnly tried the Musicman but with seymour duncan pups for metal and a 5-string Schecter (about 400€ but dont know the model). MM blew the 5-string and the Jazz Bass I A-B-ed
I would go for the Music Man, but that's because I am in love with mine ;)
About Warwicks, I would go for a $$ version or buy a Streamer, like these
way more than the Corvette Standard, Spectors are also great.

Especially for funk I would go for the Music Man or a Fender Jazz, totally different
but both are very cool for funk (tried the Marcus Miller signature
Dude, you're about to drop $1400! on a bass...

Go to every guitar shop you can and try EVERY SINGLE BASS in your price range. You might find something that you love wayyy under budget that just needs a pickup upgrade or something. Just try everything. It's the only way to do it when you're dropping that kind of cash.
I have a ESP M-IV and i love it,
Its an original 80's ESP P-Bass style with active EMG's
I think P-Bass are great recording workhorses for metal and anything else (with EMG's in of course)
Had a Warwick Corvette - hated it.
Bought a Fender P - LOVED it.
Upgraded to a MusicMan Stingray 5 - and I'm in heaven.

I never thought a bass could sound better than the P for recording, but I was wrong. The Stingray just kills. And if you slap - the Ray is the Way my friend...
