Bass tone and Reaper/Gearbox


Apr 17, 2009
I wanna run gearbox through reaper so that I can reamp my bass tone later after stuff has been recorded. When i had cubase on my old comp gearbox was just 'there' in my fx however do i need to put a DLL in some folder to get it to come into reaper? A quick reply would be great as i'm actually recording atm.

Thanks guys:headbang:
Well the place to put .dll files in Reaper for them to be recognized is the Reaper/FX/Plugins directory, so just find the .dll via a search on your comp and plop it in there! (and when installing any other plugins in the future, always be sure to designate that directory as the destination for the .dll, so often it defaults to Steinberg/VSTPlugins even if there's no trace of Cubase on one's computer :Smug: )
ok man, also i have an issue because when i load gearbox in reaper and hit record enable/monitoring none of the settings for my tone change when i adjust them..its as though its only running the tone thats saved on the can i fix this? basically its like its running the standalone version when that isn't even running. Thanks so much!